How to Clean a Micro Suede Sofa

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Cleaning & Laundry : Home & Garden

How to Set Cinch Mole Traps

Cinch manufactures both a mole and gopher trap. Moles create tunnels underground to feed on grubs and earthworms. Small earthen mounds of fine soil lay on the soil surface to identify the areas of the underground tunnels. Moles seldom come out from the tunnels and will reconstruct the tunnels when d

Ways to Use a Shoji Screen

One of the most popular and functional interior design pieces is the Shoji screen, a translucent screen made of a wooden frame that is traditionally covered in rice paper and used as a sliding door or partition. The Shoji screen has been utilized for centuries in Japan to provide privacy and to deli

How to Remove Stains

Everyone deals with stains at one time or another. Different stains require different removal methods. Knowing some basics will help you and your family stay stain free.

How to Assemble a Shed

Complete shed kits contain everything a homeowner needs to assemble a shed, often in a couple of weekends. While you'll need basic tool skills to assemble your shed, you won't need actual construction experience. Many kits available provide everything from framing to rooftop and wall materials, wit

How to Set Up a New Garage

A new garage holds the potential as a well-organized space for storage, home improvement and other projects. Setting up the garage in a well-functioning manner initially keeps the space running smoothly. The set-up process begins long before you hang the shelves or move in the lawn mower. Create a s

Carpet Cleaning With Fabric Refresher

Makers of fabric refreshers claim the refreshers don't cover odors, but trap and eliminate them, leaving a clean, fresh smell. Fabric refreshers are available in a variety of scents and are made for carpets, upholstery and cars. Some formulas claim to reduce allergens or microbes. When combined with

How to Make Your Own Natural Cats Repellant

Don't get me wrong. I love cats, but not when they're feral and defecating in my vegetable garden or marking my front door as their territory. My solution? I make my own natural cats repellant. My homemade cat repellant is easy to make, safe, economical and, for me, has proved effective.

How to Clean Mildew From a Sofa

Mildew can wreak havoc on your furniture, including sofas, if left to its own devices. Mildew spores travel through dust particles in the air and can become active when exposed to humidity and moisture. If you live in a humid environment, or if your home lacks proper insulation, you may find your s

Can I Use Bleach on a Ceramic Glass Stove Top?

Ceramic glass is just what it sounds like: a mixture of ceramic and glass. Desirable for its durability and transparency, it is often used for radiant heat or inductive stove tops. Smooth and glossy, ceramic glass stove tops are easily wiped clean, but care must be taken to use the proper materials

How to Clean Pet Bowls

Pet bowls can be breeding grounds for all kinds of germs due to the combination of moist pet food and water and the fact that they are placed on the floor where airborne bacteria can easily settle. Pet bowls must be cleaned regularly, just as you clean your dishes after each use. Providing a safe, c

List of Enzyme Cleaners

OverviewJupiterimages/liquidlibrary/Getty ImagesEnzyme cleaners use chemicals naturally manufactured by plants and animals that spark chemical reactions that break down specific types of chemicals. Because enzymes only work on specific types of chemicals--proteins, lipids, sugars--enzyme...

Do-It-Yourself: Smoke Damage Cleaning

Smoke damage is a huge part of cleaning up after a fire that many homeowners do not think about until they face it. If you have been unfortunate enough to have a fire in your home, then you know how damaging smoke can be. However, you don't always need to hire a professional to come in and clean up

How to Remove Salt Resin & Haze From a Filter

Occasionally, a filter can be coated with the resin from salt if it's left in saltwater or another salt solution for an extended length of time. If you are using a water filter, the filter can eventually become clogged with the salt residue as well as other hard water minerals. Soaking the filter in

How to Winterize Concrete

Winterizing the concrete around your home is essential maintenance. During the winter, the moisture in the concrete freezes and thaws as the temperature fluctuates, causing the water in the concrete to expand and contract several times in the course of a season. This stresses the concrete and leads

How to Remove Tape Residue From a Wood Floor

Carpet tape is often used to hold a rug into place so that it doesn't end up sliding across the floor, but when it's time to remove the rug there is often a sticky residue left behind. Carpet tape is great for staying put, a double edged sword. Removing it can be quite the tedious chore as it keeps

How to Clean Mildew Stains From Vinyl

One of the major advantages of vinyl products is that they are easy to clean and maintain. Many consumers prefer products made from vinyl because they are highly durable. A disadvantage, however, is that vinyl products are susceptible to mildew, especially when exposed to moisture over time. Althoug

How to Remove Stains on My Tennis Shoes

Tennis shoes are most people's choice for doing yard work, running around outside with the kids or cooking a large meal. All of these activities can cause unsightly stains on tennis shoes, and you might not know what method you can use without damaging your shoes. Tennis shoes should never be washed

Mascara Stain Removal

Whether treating mascara on clothing, carpet or upholstery, the most important thing to remember is to treat the stain immediately. The longer you wait before treating the stain, the harder it will be to remove.