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Religion & Spirituality : Society & Culture & Entertainment

From our Living universe straight to God

Looking at our living universe, letting your soul inhaling its admirable shape and color of such an admirable creation. Look at its size and its harmony, its beauty, it is a breath taking wonder. It p

Ministry Fair Booth Ideas

Ministry fairs provide an opportunity to recruit workers and increase congregational involvement in various church programs. Leaders can use their booths to communicate their ministry's activities and vision. Ministry fairs also add an important relational aspect to the recruiting process. Tom Raine

Guiding Innovation - An Approach from the Epistle of James

The Epistle of James opens dialogue with dispersed Christian Jews. Persecution of Christians caused many followers to fall away from the new faith. James issued instructions in faith and admonitions. Contemporary leaders have an opportunity using the Epistle of James as an example to open dialogue i

Gods Are Too Similar to Believers: Gods Probably Created in the Image of Humans

A few cultures, like ancient Greece, have postulated gods which appear to be as natural as human beings, but in general gods are supernatural. This means that they are fundamentally different from human beings or anything on earth. Despite this, however, theists consistently describe their gods in w

The Truth Shall Set You Free

The Truth Shall Set You Free by Daron Wilbert | on January 6, 2013 The Truth Shall Set You Free The truth shall set you free.There comes point in everyone's life where they have to ...

Did Haiti Make a Deal With the Devil? Can Satan Answer Prayers?

Recently Christian critics, gossipers, and leaders have suggested that Haiti's tribulations were brought about by a so-called deal made with the devil, with the comment "true story" added as proof. I am unaware of its validity, but expanding on this absurd statement, true or false, in

Christian Dream Interpretation

God is in dreams more than you think. Christian dream interpretation can help you see Him more clearly.

Homesteading for Beginners

Homesteading means different things to different people. For some, it means becoming completely self reliant and to others it means moving to the country and raising a few animals and a garden. Whatever the definition means to you, the key to success is to plan ahead, grow gradually and be prepared

Churches Turn to Innovative Internet Fund Raising?

Churches with small budgets are hampered at the times they ought to be most effective. Pastors areemploying innovative tactics to bring the needed funding in without over burdening church members. Its

The Religion Catering Machine

There are so many nuances that make up what it means to have a "perfect fit". Websites like e-harmony will take your metrics to find your perfect partner, Pandora radio will take your favorite genres and whip up a perfect playlist. Is it possible to find yourself a perfect religion?

Psychic Readings: Aids And Tools A Psychic Can Use

Although there are literally thousands of psychics in the world today, not all will use the same tools for giving psychic readings. Many, in fact, use no tools at all, believing them....

The Verses In The Quran About The Prophet Hood

The Quran is the book of guidance for the entire humanity. The Quran is the fourth and the final divine book by Allah almighty. Although it confirms the revelation of the three divine books before the

Power of the Pen

This article is about the importance of writing and how crucial it has been in human history.It speaks of how influential the writers are in the world.

Family Fun Activities for Sunday School

Active, hands-on fun activities for Sunday school are a valuable teaching tool. Family-involved activities bring an even broader opportunity for learning and involvement into the mix. Connecting them emotionally to the lesson is a key element to generating interest, and family involvement promotes t

7 Cost Effective Ways to Grow Your Church!

Everyone has constraints in how they can market their business, organization or church.Here are some cost effective ways that you can incorporate to get a better return on your marketing investment. Remember, things done in excellence always succeed better.

Carrying the Burden of the Lord As a Prophet

The idea of being a prophet these days in the Pentecostal church is a popular one. It seems that people that go from church to church giving prophecies is some sort of great life. The life of a prophet can be VERY lonely, fraught with miss understanding and a furnace of the Lord's affliction in

More Than Words...

In Salt Lake City Utah, up Millcreek Canyon, lies a dark wood. It is rumored that the forest is haunted, although the only documented report of such a haunting is that of three young girls ...

7 Steps for Hearing Divine Guidance

Some people seem to get daily emails from God.Explicit, clear, and detailed marching orders for the day. Questions answered fully and unambiguously. Events orchestrated so that everything falls into p