7 Steps for Hearing Divine Guidance

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Some people seem to get daily emails from God.

Explicit, clear, and detailed marching orders for the day. Questions answered fully and unambiguously. Events orchestrated so that everything falls into place perfectly.

It can be so frustrating.

The good news is you can do this too. The real question is, how can we get there? And what’s stopping us if we’re so sincere?

Divine communication doesn’t usually take the same form as earthly communication. It’s almost never an audible voice, for instance.

But just as there are language rules for spoken or written communication, there are some rules for Divine communication also.

1. The language Spirit uses to speak to you is custom tailored just for you.

Everyone is different, and everyone will hear Spirit in their own way. One of the things that can get very frustrating is when we try to use someone else’s rules, and they don’t work. Then we may conclude that God isn’t talking to us. No, we’re just trying to use someone else’s language.

God has a language just for you. The reason we try to use what worked for someone else is because that’s how we learn in our culture. We see how someone else does something, so if it works for them, it should work for us. What we’re not seeing is that they had to find what worked for them first.

2. Pay attention, and be open to surprises.

This is probably the most important rule of all. You’re not going to hear, or notice Divine communication if your mind is on autopilot: busy, busy, busy all the time.

Be aware. Start noticing connections, because Spirit will speak to you through events, songs on the radio, an overheard casual remark by a stranger, a call from a friend, a bird’s song, or the way the sunlight glistens on a pond.

Anything can be meaningful if it comes at the right time. Focus on receiving the guidance, and not on how you receive it.

3. Don’t expect it to make sense.

And don’t expect it to not make sense, either. The Divine sees a much larger picture than we do. Think back to an important event in your life, such as how you met your spouse or significant other. How many tiny, seemingly random events had to happen in exactly the right order, any one of which, had it been different, would have resulted in your never meeting?

4. Trust.

If you want to drive at night, say a distance of 100 miles, you have to use your headlights. Your headlights only illuminate a few hundred feet ahead. You can’t see the long distances you can in the daylight. But each hundred feet you travel, you see the next hundred feet, and so on.

It can feel like stepping out into thin air, trusting that the next bit of the bridge will appear under your foot just in time to support you as you walk across a chasm.

Follow the tiny intuitions even if they make no long term sense. We are just given each next little step.

5. Notice what it feels like.

If what you’re getting has a yucky feel to it like fear, guilt or shame, it’s not God. I don’t mean that you can’t feel nervous about stepping out into the unknown and learning to trust. But that’s different than the creepy kind of fear that you need to stay away from.

Also, if it’s pushing you to hurry up, hurry up, now, now, now, and you feel so hassled and rushed you can’t think, chances are that’s not God either. Spirit doesn’t pressure you like that. It can be insistent, but it’s not a high pressure controlling energy. The Divine respects your free will.

6. Start small, and give it time.

Take the time to learn how God speaks to you. Start with small things. Work your way up to the bigger decisions. Just like learning to talk. You start with one syllable words, and work up from there.

7. Expect to receive help.

Start with these guidelines, practice, don’t get discouraged, ask for help, and expect to receive it, because you will.

For more information, go to http://thestressreliefcoach.com/sq
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