What Plants Close Their Blooms at Night?
- Poppies close their blooms at night.Poppy image by Ira from Fotolia.com
Some plants close their blooms when it's very cloudy or at night. This is called nyctinasty and happens when the plant's cells pump water from the base of petals and cause them to close. Most pollinating insects are dormant during the night, so some believe that by doing this the plants are saving their pollen. - Poppies, which are annual plants, close their blooms at night. They can grow up to 1-1/2 feet tall. Although their bright orange-red flowers are the most well know, they are actually available in almost any color-even black. Poppies do well in most soil types and prefer full sun, but will also grow in partial shade.
- The hibiscus, or rose-of-Sharon, close their large, showy flowers at night or during dark, cloudy days. This plant grows in most soil types and in either sun or partial shade. The hibiscus is a small tree, which can grow up to 8 or 10 feet tall and spreads between 4 and 10 feet wide.
- The African daily, or osteospermum, is a hardy, springtime flower that grows wild in many places. Its flowers look like daisies and come in a wide range of colors, such as yellow, pink and purple. These flowers grow best in well-drained, fertile soil and reach 4 to 12 inches tall. Do not water them excessively or they could rot. Their blooms close each night.
African Daisy