Grey Willow Tree History and Facts
Grey willow, also known as (Salix cinerea subsp.
oleifolia), has a remarkable resemblance to goat willow and they often hybridises with each other.
The tree can also be known as 'common sallow'.
It is very similar to the goat willow and grows around woodlands and hedgerows, but can also grow in damper conditions such as near river streams and canals.
Identifying a Grey Willow A mature grey willow can grow up to 10m tall.
Bark is brown to grey in colour and has small indents when young, which develop into big, diamond-shaped fissures, as the tree grows.
The young, brown twigs are hairy but become smooth as they develop; they can also appear red to yellow in direct sunlight.
The leaves are not like the other willows, the leaves are oval shaped instead of long and thin; they also have tiny hairs on the underside and sharp hairs on the vein joints.
The tree is dioecious, meaning that the male and female catkins (flowers) can be located on different trees during early spring.
The male catkins are short, oval shaped and grey in colour but turn yellow once they become ripe with pollen.
The female flowers are long and green in colour and they get pollinated by wind.
Once pollinated, they develop into woolly seeds which are also dispersed by wind.
Almost every willow can propagate itself by lowering its branches to floor, which then go on to grow roots.
Interesting fact: most willows are often called 'sallows' but can also be known as 'great sallow' and 'common sallow'.
Significance to wildlife The foliage of the grey willow is eaten by numerous caterpillars from species of moth including the dusky clearwing, sallow kitten and the lunar hornet clearwing.
The flowers are a good source of nectar and pollen for insects such as bees and birds will eat the caterpillars and other small insects from the leaves.
Myths and Legends In ancient times, willow trees were once praised and remembered for good times, as time went on, its association with happiness turned to sadness and morning.
Willow is commonly spoken about in poetry this way, such as Shakespeare's Hamlet, where Ophelia drowned next to a willow tree.
In the north of the UK, willow branches are used as an alternative to palm branches to celebrate to Palm Sunday.
How we use Grey Willow Willows were traditionally used to make pain killers such as Aspirin; this was made from salicin, which is a compound located inside the bark of all Salix species.
Threats Willow trees can be vulnerable to watermark disease.
oleifolia), has a remarkable resemblance to goat willow and they often hybridises with each other.
The tree can also be known as 'common sallow'.
It is very similar to the goat willow and grows around woodlands and hedgerows, but can also grow in damper conditions such as near river streams and canals.
Identifying a Grey Willow A mature grey willow can grow up to 10m tall.
Bark is brown to grey in colour and has small indents when young, which develop into big, diamond-shaped fissures, as the tree grows.
The young, brown twigs are hairy but become smooth as they develop; they can also appear red to yellow in direct sunlight.
The leaves are not like the other willows, the leaves are oval shaped instead of long and thin; they also have tiny hairs on the underside and sharp hairs on the vein joints.
The tree is dioecious, meaning that the male and female catkins (flowers) can be located on different trees during early spring.
The male catkins are short, oval shaped and grey in colour but turn yellow once they become ripe with pollen.
The female flowers are long and green in colour and they get pollinated by wind.
Once pollinated, they develop into woolly seeds which are also dispersed by wind.
Almost every willow can propagate itself by lowering its branches to floor, which then go on to grow roots.
Interesting fact: most willows are often called 'sallows' but can also be known as 'great sallow' and 'common sallow'.
Significance to wildlife The foliage of the grey willow is eaten by numerous caterpillars from species of moth including the dusky clearwing, sallow kitten and the lunar hornet clearwing.
The flowers are a good source of nectar and pollen for insects such as bees and birds will eat the caterpillars and other small insects from the leaves.
Myths and Legends In ancient times, willow trees were once praised and remembered for good times, as time went on, its association with happiness turned to sadness and morning.
Willow is commonly spoken about in poetry this way, such as Shakespeare's Hamlet, where Ophelia drowned next to a willow tree.
In the north of the UK, willow branches are used as an alternative to palm branches to celebrate to Palm Sunday.
How we use Grey Willow Willows were traditionally used to make pain killers such as Aspirin; this was made from salicin, which is a compound located inside the bark of all Salix species.
Threats Willow trees can be vulnerable to watermark disease.