Video: Making Picture Montages on an iPad
Video Transcript
Hello I'm Joseph Vargo with, your premier Apple specialist. We have our headquarters in Salt Lake City, Utah with eight retail locations in Utah, Idaho, and Wyoming. I'm going to show you how to make a picture montage on the iPad. So first of all to pull our photos we are going to want to go into the photos app. If we tap that up it brings up a lot of different ways to look at your photos. You have all your photos right here. We have photo stream which are the photos you've taken on other Apple devices. Albums that you've made, specific groupings you've done. Events which you're most probably used to. And then faces based on who has done it. And the places by where you've taken pictures. So I'm going to go into events here. I'm going to do my Idaho Falls in Jackson one. And then in here if I click on a picture I can actually see a slideshow option up top. Hit that slideshow option and then hit start slideshow. And then it's going to automatically change the picture with a different them and movement. This one is on dissolve so it's just slowly fading through different pictures. To make it a little more interesting we can change that from a dissolve to something like a origami. Which will fold our pictures just like that. So in here we can make a new album to make a specific photo montage. If I go into albums which is on the top here and I click the edit button in the top right corner. I get a new option that says new album. If I hit new album I can enter a name for that album. We'll call this one test. And then I just pick the photos that I want in that album, lets say I want a picture of that house. So we'll checkbox next to it. And I can just pick a cat. And then when I'm done I hit done and I've got my new album called test with those pictures that I have in it. And then I can go ahead and do a slideshow with those if I'd like. Again I'm Joseph Vargo with and I showed you how to make a picture montage on the iPad.