Checklist for Building a Computer
- Building your own computer is less expensive than paying retail.pc image by Dron from
Building your own computer can be a fun and educational way to learn about computer hardware. It can also be cheaper than buying a PC at retail price. However, it is important to purchase quality components for your building project. It is also crucial to understand the compatibility of computer parts with each other. - Before you spend any money on computer parts, it is important to take some time to determine the purpose for your computer and make a list of the primary tasks the computer will serve. This will help you with your purchasing decisions. A computer used for gaming will have much different specifications than a machine that will only be used for word processing tasks and web browsing.
- Most computer cases, regardless of size, come with a pre-installed power supply. The size of the case can determine the expansion possibilities of a machine and its capacity to withstand heat. Small or portable cases will not have many expansion bays and are prone to overheating. Mid-tower and full-tower cases will have room for a fan to help cool the system. Purchasing a chassis fan along with a case might save you from potential future heating issues.
- This motherboard is like the heart of the computer. It connects and controls each electrical part of the machine including the central processing unit (CPU), memory slots, peripheral connectors and expansion slots. CPUs are the "brains" of a computer. A low-end motherboard will not be able to house the newest and most powerful CPUs. Higher-end CPUs give computers more speed and power to perform tasks like data-crunching and graphic design.
- The hard drive stores your computer's data. High capacity hard drives allow you to maintain enough space on your computer for programs as well as large media files. You can also connect external hard drives to a computer via a USB port or FireWire depending on the expansion slots on your case and motherboard.
- Cables are necessary to connect components to the motherboard. Most components come packaged with cables.
- In order to listen to music or connect your computer to a monitor, you need to have a sound card and a video card. Generally speaking, these components connect directly to the motherboard. External sound cards are popular among musicians, who use them to connect their instruments and equipment to the computer for recording purposes.
- It is necessary to have a licensed copy of an operating system to actually use your computer. For the most part, your options are limited to Windows and Linux operating systems. It is illegal to build your own Apple computer with PC hardware per the Mac OS X end user agreement.
- It is always a good idea to consult with resource guides to troubleshoot any issues you may have when testing your new computer. There are several publications and websites that provide help and tips for aspiring computer builders.
Case, Power Supply and Chassis Fan
Motherboard and CPU
Hard Drive
Sound and Video Cards
Operating System