Garden Stones - The Ultimate in Gardening Possibilities
When you're ready to spruce up your garden and yard area take a look at the wide variety of garden stones that are available. These stones allow you to really personalize your garden and make it your own. Whether you want to make a pathway down to the garden, edge your garden with stones or put up some type of memorial in your garden, you'll have plenty of stones to choose from.
Garden edging stones
While you can definitely edge your garden with plastic or word, stones are by far the strongest material you can use. The rocks you put into place will probably remain in position for many years to come until you decide to replace them with something else. Stone edging also provides a natural look that you just can't get from any other type of edging. You'll be able to complement your garden in a natural way and help make the plants and flowers appear more vibrant.
Edging stones for the garden are very easy to find and lay out. You won't need to call in a landscaper unless you are using very heavy stones that you can't lift without help. You simply need to mark out the line that will be going along the edge of the garden and then dig a trench following this line that's about 3 to 4 inches deep. Line the trough with landscaper fabric to prevent any weeds from growing between the rocks. Pour sand on top of the liner to help the rocks stay in place and then start selecting the stones and laying them out. You can juggle around with the stones as you place them until you are happy with the final effect.
Decorative garden stones
You can purchase these decorative garden stones at garden centers or home improvement stores in your area. You can also start collecting them on your own. Every time you take a hike keep your eyes open for any special stones that you feel would add a decorative flair to your garden. You can even intermingle the stones that you collect on your own with the bags of stones that you purchase.
Decorative garden stones come in a wide range of colors, shapes, sizes and styles. If you have a small garden, for instance, you'll want to find smaller stones that don't overwhelm and take over the look of your garden. For larger gardens it's best to look for bigger rocks and you may even want to consider putting a boulder at the side of the garden to create an amazing effect.
A lot of gardeners use landscape boulders as a decorative focal point for their garden. You can lay one of these boulders right in the middle of the garden and then plant your flowers and shrubs around it. You can also have a few boulders that are used as part of the garden edging as long as you make sure that they are well-placed and don't tend to overshadow your garden.
Garden stepping stones
Garden stones can be used to create a wonderful little path that leads right down to your garden. By setting up a pathway you'll be able to protect your yard and your grass from being trampled. Once a path is put into place it's an invitation for people to use it instead of walking on your green lush grass.
One very aesthetic thing that you can do when you're creating a path is put a bird bath or a statue along it. This will create the illusion of your backyard being very large and it will also end up looking very elegant. As your friends and neighbors stroll down the garden stones that you have put in place they will feel welcomed into your yard and garden.
You can either purchase garden stepping stones or you can decide to make them yourself. There are specific instructions and plans given on the Internet to make your own or you can purchase one of the many do-it-yourself packages available either online or in stores. You'll be able to create a personalized stepping stone with each package that will help make your garden path a thing of beauty loaded with memories. There are some kits that show you how to leave a handprint in the stone or you can choose to paint it or decorate it in a variety of other ways. These kits are becoming extremely popular since they allow you to personalize your garden and path in your own way.
Garden paving stones
Make your garden into a traditional or contemporary work of art using these types of paving stones. You'll have your choice between concrete, brick, flagstone and many other types of stones. Flagstone is one of the most popular choices since it provides a more natural look. With flagstone you'll be using garden stones with an irregular shape instead of them having a manufactured appearance.
Brick is one of the garden stones that you can choose from but it tends to crack over time. Concrete slabs are also quite popular but like the brick ones they will tend to crack and flake as well.
One of the best options available is a combination of natural and concrete materials. These paving slabs have been developed to look natural while adding durability and strength to the walkway. These types of paving garden stones are usually more expensive than the concrete, brick and flagstone options but if you can afford them they are well worth the cost. These slabs will usually last a lot longer than the other options.
Garden stones are a great way to revitalize any garden. You really can't get much more durable than solid rock or any more natural. You'll be able to really get into create mode when you start working with stones around the garden and the great thing is you'll be able to mix and match them. You can also change the look of your garden at any time by simply getting new rocks or moving the position of the existing ones.
Garden edging stones
While you can definitely edge your garden with plastic or word, stones are by far the strongest material you can use. The rocks you put into place will probably remain in position for many years to come until you decide to replace them with something else. Stone edging also provides a natural look that you just can't get from any other type of edging. You'll be able to complement your garden in a natural way and help make the plants and flowers appear more vibrant.
Edging stones for the garden are very easy to find and lay out. You won't need to call in a landscaper unless you are using very heavy stones that you can't lift without help. You simply need to mark out the line that will be going along the edge of the garden and then dig a trench following this line that's about 3 to 4 inches deep. Line the trough with landscaper fabric to prevent any weeds from growing between the rocks. Pour sand on top of the liner to help the rocks stay in place and then start selecting the stones and laying them out. You can juggle around with the stones as you place them until you are happy with the final effect.
Decorative garden stones
You can purchase these decorative garden stones at garden centers or home improvement stores in your area. You can also start collecting them on your own. Every time you take a hike keep your eyes open for any special stones that you feel would add a decorative flair to your garden. You can even intermingle the stones that you collect on your own with the bags of stones that you purchase.
Decorative garden stones come in a wide range of colors, shapes, sizes and styles. If you have a small garden, for instance, you'll want to find smaller stones that don't overwhelm and take over the look of your garden. For larger gardens it's best to look for bigger rocks and you may even want to consider putting a boulder at the side of the garden to create an amazing effect.
A lot of gardeners use landscape boulders as a decorative focal point for their garden. You can lay one of these boulders right in the middle of the garden and then plant your flowers and shrubs around it. You can also have a few boulders that are used as part of the garden edging as long as you make sure that they are well-placed and don't tend to overshadow your garden.
Garden stepping stones
Garden stones can be used to create a wonderful little path that leads right down to your garden. By setting up a pathway you'll be able to protect your yard and your grass from being trampled. Once a path is put into place it's an invitation for people to use it instead of walking on your green lush grass.
One very aesthetic thing that you can do when you're creating a path is put a bird bath or a statue along it. This will create the illusion of your backyard being very large and it will also end up looking very elegant. As your friends and neighbors stroll down the garden stones that you have put in place they will feel welcomed into your yard and garden.
You can either purchase garden stepping stones or you can decide to make them yourself. There are specific instructions and plans given on the Internet to make your own or you can purchase one of the many do-it-yourself packages available either online or in stores. You'll be able to create a personalized stepping stone with each package that will help make your garden path a thing of beauty loaded with memories. There are some kits that show you how to leave a handprint in the stone or you can choose to paint it or decorate it in a variety of other ways. These kits are becoming extremely popular since they allow you to personalize your garden and path in your own way.
Garden paving stones
Make your garden into a traditional or contemporary work of art using these types of paving stones. You'll have your choice between concrete, brick, flagstone and many other types of stones. Flagstone is one of the most popular choices since it provides a more natural look. With flagstone you'll be using garden stones with an irregular shape instead of them having a manufactured appearance.
Brick is one of the garden stones that you can choose from but it tends to crack over time. Concrete slabs are also quite popular but like the brick ones they will tend to crack and flake as well.
One of the best options available is a combination of natural and concrete materials. These paving slabs have been developed to look natural while adding durability and strength to the walkway. These types of paving garden stones are usually more expensive than the concrete, brick and flagstone options but if you can afford them they are well worth the cost. These slabs will usually last a lot longer than the other options.
Garden stones are a great way to revitalize any garden. You really can't get much more durable than solid rock or any more natural. You'll be able to really get into create mode when you start working with stones around the garden and the great thing is you'll be able to mix and match them. You can also change the look of your garden at any time by simply getting new rocks or moving the position of the existing ones.