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Healthy Living : Health & Medical

How to Get Rid of Tons of Fleas

Pet owners know that fleas multiply fast. But one adult female flea can lay up to 50 eggs per day. So one flea can turn into thousands. It isn't difficult for a home to become overrun with fleas. If your home has become so infested that regular cleaning isn't accomplishing anything. then you need to

Why Is It Important to Warm-Up Before You Sing?

The vocal cords are voice muscles in the throat, and like any muscles in the body, they can be sprained and strained, during singing. Warming them up with light exercises, such as stretching, breathing and scales, will relax and properly prepare them for singing.

How to Calculate Solar Energy Needs

Going solar -- moving your entire house to solar energy -- is a huge commitment. In general, before making the transition, households do everything they can to increase energy efficiency, thus reducing the size and cost of the solar installation necessary to power the house. As a starting point, how

Home Remedy for Cherry Angiomas

Cherry angiomas are a noncontagious skin condition characterized by small red spots that appear on the surface of the skin, anywhere on the body, usually in middle-aged or older adults. It is unclear what medically causes cherry angiomas, although good skin care and diet changes can help prevent fut

Portrait Skin Rejuvenation Vs. ActiveFX Treatments

The stress of daily life, aging and the environment take a toll on one's skin, hence the popularity of treatments such as cosmetic surgery and Botox. However, some people dislike drugs or surgery as a fix. The Portrait Plasma Skin Rejuvenation and ActiveFX laser treatment systems are new facial resu

Meadowsweet Side Effects

Meadowsweet, or filipendula ulmaria, is a perennial herb native to Europe. This plant grows up to five feet tall with elongated stems and white blossoms that give off a sweet almond-like scent. Herbal medicine preparations use the meadowsweet flowers. Meadowsweet is used as a remedy for the common c

Office Desk Exercises

Sitting behind a desk 40 hours a week can take a toll on your body. Your eyes might get tired, especially if you are staring at a computer screen. Your back is apt to ache, and your neck may feel strained. There are exercises you can do in the privacy of your office cubicle that can help...

How to Get Skinks From Their Burrows?

A skink can dig a burrow more than 1 meter deep and 5 meters wide. There can be many tunnels going into that burrow and to other locations. A skink may live in that same burrow for many years with other skinks. Outside of the opening will be an area of fecal mater made by the skinks, and this is how

What Are the Effects of Compost Bins on the Environment?

Compost bins decompose organic waste for reuse in gardens, benefiting the environment.wheelbarrow and bins image by Horticulture from Fotolia.comCompost bins are used for making compost, which is a nutrient-rich organic material such as decomposed leaves, straws, wooden chips, paper,...

The Best Phytosterols

Phytosterols, or plant sterols, play a role similar to cholesterol in the human body. As the name suggests, phytosterols come from plant sources, while cholesterols occur in animals and humans. There is evidence that consuming phytosterols can reduce overall cholesterol levels and may play a role in

How to Detoxify Hydrogenated Oil

Hydrogenated oils or partially hydrogenated oils are extremely bad for health. Not only do they clog arteries and result in heart disease, but they also cause weight gain and constant hunger. Detoxifying the hydrogenated oils is important to ensuring good health and cleaning up the body. It usually

Fitness Tips for the New Year

Workout buddies help keep you motivated through the new running image by David Levinson from Fotolia.comIf your New Year's resolution is to get fit and improve your looks, the task may be daunting. Fortunately, getting fit is not as difficult as it seems when you have a plan and...

What Is the Purpose of Airbags?

In U.S., since the year 1999, car makers have been required to install both driver and front-passenger airbags. Airbags help prevent head, chest and other severe injuries during a car collision. The bag is so designed that it can inflate in less than a second after a car collides; thus, it serves as

How to Treat With Graviola

Graviola, a tree that grows in the tropical regions of North and South America, has been touted as a cancer-fighting herbal remedy. A 2001 study published in the Journal of Natural Products reported that graviola contains several compounds found to be toxic to human liver cancer cells. Traditionally

Example of Food Labels Lesson Plans

Caught in the American fast-food craze and rising obesity levels, many school-age children do not understand much about nutrition and food labels. Whether from lax eating habits at home or simple lack of exposure to the concept, your class may unaware of how their own health would benefit from good

How is Badam Oil Good for Head Massage?

Badam (Hindi word for almond) oil is often used for head massages and achieving beautiful, lustrous hair due to its rich vitamin E content. Badam oil has been used for hundreds of years in Ayurvedic care. Badam oil is used in massage therapy because it suitable for all skin types and provides many

How Can I Effectively Lose Weight?

Weight loss often is associated with dieting. Recent studies indicate that there is no long-term difference in weight loss resulting from low-fat, low-carbohydrate or low-calorie diets. More immediate weight loss often is seen in low-carbohydrate dieters, but, at the one-year mark, all dieters appea

Physio Exercises to Straighten Rounded Back

Physio exercises to straighten a rounded back are concerned with easing the condition known as kyphosis. The symptoms of kyphosis can be eased through a variety of exercises involving stretching and strengthening the weak areas along your upper back, chest, abdomen and hamstrings. You can also make

How Many Calories Does Our Body Burn?

Even without exercise, your body burns a significant amount of calories. While the recommended calorie intake for a woman and man is 2,000 and 2,500 respectively, your body may burn anywhere from 1,500 to 3,500 depending on your age, weight, how much exercise you get and your sex. The formula for ca