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Diet & Fitness : Health & Medical

Best Diets? DASH, TLC, Mediterranean Are Tops, Experts Say

Just in time for anyone stressing over upcoming holiday weight gain, a new list of ''best diets" is out. But this list focused not just on diets that helped you lose weight, but helped you stay healthy while doing it.

How to Color Fondant for a Cake

Fondant is a type of icing made that is used for wedding cakes or other special occasion cakes. It has a smooth surface and provides a good base for adding other icing decorations, such as flowers and figurines. While basic recipes yield a white icing, fondant can be colored for added visual effect

South Beach Diet - The Art and Science Behind It

The reason the South Beach Diet has been so successful assisting dieters with weight loss is because of the science behind the plan. The entire platform is one for healthful eating. When you examine the science, you realize immediately that the South Beach Diet is a logical, healthy method for losin

The Atkins Lifestyle - What to Expect

Are you thinking about trying the Atkins Diet plan?Do you know what to expect?Sure you can lose a lot of weight quickly.Here are some of the things you will experience when getting started.

Get a Body That is to Die For With The Medifast Weight Loss Program

There are a lot of people who are having problems with their bodies because they are either overweight or they are not getting enough nutrition, causing their bodies to become too weak. You can be saved from being one of these people if you choose to undergo this unique diet plan, the Medifast Weigh

Stunning Facts About Calorie Shifting Diets and How They Can Help You

In this article we are going to look at some of the facts about calorie shifting, and see if the fundamental tenants of this groundbreaking weight loss regimen can help YOU meet your personal body and fitness goals.It's NO secret that most diets fail....and while there are any number of good th

Does Medifast Work For People Who Aren't Obese?

I sometimes hear from folks who are in the very enviable position of not being all that overweight. Still, they want to make positive changes in their bodies and they would like to be at their most ideal weight. Many are under the perception that prepackaged diets may not be appropriate for them bec

Best Cellulite Reduction Treatments - Should I Try an Anti-Cellulite Diet?

Diets seem to be the best way to get rid of everything & anything these days; and honestly, it probably won't be too long before there is a special diet that is designed to cure cancer. However, until that day comes, people will just have to use the diets available to them -- like the anti-cell

How to Make a Corn Flake Cluster

The crunch of dry corn flakes make a simple base for candy clusters you can make in the microwave, no baking required. Using the same recipe, you can make chocolate, butterscotch, white chocolate or caramel corn flake clusters depending on your family's preferences. Or make a variety of flavors -- t

Low Carb Diet Misconceptions

Low carb diets have many misconceptions. Many people think that low carb diets follow a strict food consumption, but in fact it only limits you to intake specific foods rich in carbohydrates and fats. Some diets limit the amount of overall carbohydrates, while others focus on certain types of foods,

Sugar Busters Diet - Know the "Naked Facts" Here Before Taking Up on the Diet

The Sugar Busters Diet offers an interesting principle behind weight loss - cutting sugar to shed extra pounds. The authors behind this book believes that sugar, especially refined ones, can mess with your bodily functions and biochemical processes therefore leading you down the road of high cholest

Menu For Low Fat Diets - What Can I Eat?

Every few years there is a new cause for people being overweight. First it was sugar, then it was fat and most recently it was carbohydrates. The real deal is that anything you eat in excess will cause you to gain weight and ultimately have health consequences. We are going to focus on a menu for lo

Review - Burn the Fat, Feed the Muscle

The beauty of the internet is that you can find anything - right now. Type your question into Google... Bammo, instant results! But quite often, you end up more confused than when you started! For example, do a search on "Weight Loss"... You will get over 94,000,000 hits! Mind boggling.

Zone Diet Menu Plans - 1 Diet That Works For You

The Zone Diet is one of the simplest diets to follow, because you match your carbohydrate intake with your protein intake, keeping both of them in balance. The preferred ratio is 1:1, one block of protein matched with one block of carbohydrate. A protein block is 7 grams, while a carbohydrate block

The Grapes Diet

The grapes diet is highly appreciated for the fact that it helps with the detoxification of your body. One of the diets which are most frequently recommended is the grapes diet. Grapes contain sugar, which is used in the cellular metabolism and pure glucose and fructose, which are absorbed in the bl

Sacred Heart Memorial Hospital Diet - A Review

The Sacred Heart Memorial Hospital Diet (also known as the Sacred Heart Diet) is another of those diets which, like the Tuna Fish Diet, is attributed to hospital staff who were attempting to reduce the weight of a cardiac patient by some 10 lbs. It has been around since at least the 1980's and

Truth About Abs by Mike Geary Reviews - Does it Work?

The Truth about Abs program by Mike Geary has been a highly popular fitness and nutrition program for several years now. In fact, it has been used by over 212,000 people in more than 100 countries all around the world. The only question is, does Truth About Abs really work or is Mike Geary just a gr

Low Carb Diet Can Increase Levels of Bad Cholesterol

If you are looking to shed those excess pounds you are carrying, then going on a diet that is low on carbohydrates may not be such a good idea. A recent research shows that low carb diets could actually end up with high levels of bad cholesterol.

What to Fix for Dinner on a Very Hot Night

When the temperatures rise, slaving over a hot stove or oven is the last thing you want. Warm weather dishes take the guesswork out of dinner while also giving you lighter fare for your family. Stick with dishes that require little prep work and dishes that cool you down. Dinner ideas for a hot nigh