Recognizing the Signs of Marital Problems

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Marriage & Divorce : Family & Relationships

Men, Does Your Wife Criticize You?

Does your wife never seem happy? Does she criticize you more and more? Do you wonder why you even got married in the first place? Do you think she is verbally abusive?

Manifest Your Soul Mate in Five Powerful Steps

Now you can meet your soul mate and experience the joy of true love no matter what your age, gender or religious beliefs. Just use these proven spiritual principles to attract love and happiness that will make your dreams come true.

How to Write a Passionate Love Letter

Love letters may be cheesy but few things can melt a woman's heart like an earnest letter of love that pours your heart out unabashed. If you're trying to find something to give that special person in your life, taking the time to put your feelings down to a written format should prove a w

The Three Keys to Handling Martial Problems

My husband and I have been married for over twelve years now.We've been through a great deal since we got married, both personally and as a couple.From the beginning of our marriage, we realized that

The golden rules of happy couples

Many (receipts) for living as a happy couple are accessible everywhere. Here is one suggested article you should put on the door of your refrigerator to have it regularly under the eyes.

Recovering From Infidelity - What to Expect

A couple whose marriage is recovering from infidelity has to expect the process won't be quick and it won't be easy. If your relationship has been rocked by cheating the basic fabric of your marriage, the trust, has unraveled. Recovery only begins when both partners decide that they want t

I Think My Wife Might Leave Me! How to Handle This Rationally

"I think my wife might leave me," isn't something you ever imagined you'd say. Most marriages go through some difficult patches at times, but at the end of the day, you and your wife have always honored your vows and each other. Now, you're beginning to worry that she may be

How Can You Find a Marriage Partner?

Is it easy to find a marriage partner? Such a question is pondered by many people seeking to find someone with whom to tie the knot. Thankfully, finding the right person can be done if you are willing to put forth the proper effort required. That means you need to do what is necessary to meet someon

Expectations, Choices, Love And Reality

I will try to explore why it is important that we have some idea of what our own expectations of love are and look at some of the past experiences I can share, to hopefully give readers a more realistic and common sense view of love and relationships. I do not claim by any means to be any kind of an

Tips to Help You Stay in Love Forever

Love is a wonderful emotion that every individual would like to experience at some point or the other in their lives. Even though love is of different types, it is always the love with your partner that seems to be exciting and kindles dreams and fantasies. You may find someone you love dearly and m

Some Funny Divorce Quotes to Lighten Up Your Day

Getting a divorce sounds so serious and heartbreaking, however; there are some ways on how to feel fine despite of the thought that you are getting divorced. Get all the necessary information you need

Effective Advice to Save Your Marriage

Whether or not you realize it, there are many ways that you can go about saving your marriage. If you are looking for a way to get things back to the way they used to be with your partner, then this article can help in doing that for you. Although rebuilding any marriage takes a while and some hard

Five Steps to Help You Through the Process of Filing Divorce Papers

Filing divorce papers is a very emotional legal action that has many couples making critical mistakes. There are financial and emotional details that leave lives devastated. Clear thinking and good judgment are often no present during this hard time. We have compiled a few tips to help you get throu

Can I Save My Marriage? How Do I Save My Marriage?

I know most of you out there are committed to making your marriage successful. With this in mind, I will share with you a simple technique or method that will show you how to save your marriage. I have used and recommended this technique to several people and they have reported resounding success.