Speaking Out For The Unspoken
Stigma There has been much written about stigma, Articles and press releases about how it can effect individuals and families.
How stigma can effect your work and career.
But when it comes to actually speaking about the stigma we all read about everyone seems to shut up pretty pronto don't they? Well I am tired of the same old status quo when it comes to the stigma of mental health.
For the last 3 years I've been sharing my story with thousands all over the UK to promote better understanding of this dark demon.
It has the power to destroy families and create black holes in your life where it sucks in everything that could be or should be but never gets to be.
Millions of people all over the UK and Other countries are suffering in silence because they are afraid to speak out about how they really feel.
It sounds crazy I know but when your in this position of fear from prejudice or loss you believe things might go away after a while, or that your friends are dealing with their own problems and don't need your emotional baggage dumped on their lap don't you? I found myself in this mess when I became ill after serving in Kosovo and Iraq.
I had never imagined that I would become someone who could change so much from an illness you can't see.
The emotional fallout of this demon is vast and must never be ignored.
There is nothing your friends would not listen to about how your not coping.
Would you listen to them? Of course you would but when you're not thinking clearly you usually fear the worst and act out of character which keeps the momentum of your health rolling down that hill which picks up pace you cant control.
You're then out of control and before you know it your life's a mess.
I speak about my experiences so openly to try and inspire others to know that any one can find them selves in this dark place but we never have to walk here alone.
Seriously were supposed to be good at communication with all our advanced social networking sites and advanced internet technologies but we're losing the ART of good conversation.
Didn't we used to be good at this? Telling people how we feel about things that upset you.
Are we so advanced that success has become more important than emotional significance? Money more of a score card than our own familial duty? When will we realize that how we feel is everything and without good feelings we are just automatons who work for a system that will never understand or give a damn about how we truly feel.
It's each other we need to look for help! The biggest factor in gaining any kind of help is the ability to listen.
If your not doing so well and need some help from a good listener then send us an email at unspokenwounds@hotmail.
uk or let us know about yourself through the blog.
If your worried about someone then let them know about this blog and let them know about our face book page and spread the word so we can begin making a real difference in peoples lives! No matter what people think, Mental Health Is Everything!
How stigma can effect your work and career.
But when it comes to actually speaking about the stigma we all read about everyone seems to shut up pretty pronto don't they? Well I am tired of the same old status quo when it comes to the stigma of mental health.
For the last 3 years I've been sharing my story with thousands all over the UK to promote better understanding of this dark demon.
It has the power to destroy families and create black holes in your life where it sucks in everything that could be or should be but never gets to be.
Millions of people all over the UK and Other countries are suffering in silence because they are afraid to speak out about how they really feel.
It sounds crazy I know but when your in this position of fear from prejudice or loss you believe things might go away after a while, or that your friends are dealing with their own problems and don't need your emotional baggage dumped on their lap don't you? I found myself in this mess when I became ill after serving in Kosovo and Iraq.
I had never imagined that I would become someone who could change so much from an illness you can't see.
The emotional fallout of this demon is vast and must never be ignored.
There is nothing your friends would not listen to about how your not coping.
Would you listen to them? Of course you would but when you're not thinking clearly you usually fear the worst and act out of character which keeps the momentum of your health rolling down that hill which picks up pace you cant control.
You're then out of control and before you know it your life's a mess.
I speak about my experiences so openly to try and inspire others to know that any one can find them selves in this dark place but we never have to walk here alone.
Seriously were supposed to be good at communication with all our advanced social networking sites and advanced internet technologies but we're losing the ART of good conversation.
Didn't we used to be good at this? Telling people how we feel about things that upset you.
Are we so advanced that success has become more important than emotional significance? Money more of a score card than our own familial duty? When will we realize that how we feel is everything and without good feelings we are just automatons who work for a system that will never understand or give a damn about how we truly feel.
It's each other we need to look for help! The biggest factor in gaining any kind of help is the ability to listen.
If your not doing so well and need some help from a good listener then send us an email at unspokenwounds@hotmail.
uk or let us know about yourself through the blog.
If your worried about someone then let them know about this blog and let them know about our face book page and spread the word so we can begin making a real difference in peoples lives! No matter what people think, Mental Health Is Everything!