How to Grow a Madevilla Plant
- 1). Grow Mandevillas indoors in filtered sunlight. Plant Mandevillas outdoors in partial shade.
- 2). Support the Mandevilla using a frame, garden trellis or stake system. Make sure the support system is strong, especially for full-grown Mandevillas, which can become quite heavy.
- 3). Plant Mandevillas in a mixture of soil with peat moss at a 50-50 ratio. Add 10 percent builders sand to the soil mixture.
- 4). Feed the Mandevillas every two weeks during growing season with a 10-20-10 fertilizer. Follow the label's instructions for dosage.
- 5). Pinch the growth of young plants to encourage a fuller look. Remove all dead or diseased leaves by hand.
- 6). Combat aphids, scales,and red spider mites with insecticidal soap specific for a Mandevilla plant. Mix the insecticidal soap at a 1-to-2-percent solution with warm water and spray the tops and bottoms of the leaves and stems.
- 7). Prune the Mandevilla vine in late winter or early spring before growth begins. Remove any old stems that cause crowding so new growth can sprout.