How to Save a Marriage, 5 Necessary Things to Do Today
If your partner and you have mentioned about the D word ( Divorce) a lot of times already, a time off period will do the both of you good.
You may want to spend some time away from each other to think about things.
Focus on the things that made you fall in love with your ex.
Try to calmly approach to go through your problems when the time comes that you get to see your partner again.
Try to fix your own problems or issues.
This could mean your personal issues as well that could have affected your marriage as well.
While in a "time-off" period, it would be best to repair the issues that you may have.
Avoid pointing fingers and putting the blame on your partner especially if abuse has taken place during the relationship.
Fix conflicts.
If after your cooling down period you have already made significant thoughts to how you may have added to the conflict, allot some time for you and your partner to talk things over without being interrupted.
Try Counseling.
If you feel like being in a wrestling match every time you attempt to work matters out, try doing it in a wedding counselor's office.
A neutral third party that is well knowledgeable about how to save a marriage can help keep things sane and can help you make some real improvements.
Spend time quality time with each other; not being able to spend some quality time together is what gives the marriage issues.
And when this happens, your relationship starts being on the rocks and you start spending time apart more often than you know, making it too late to save.
Fortunately, this is a simple trend to change.
Find something that you both love doing and make sure that you can talk to each other while doing so, and schedule it to happen twice a week.
Patience is a key in saving a marriage, and you will need it as change can not happen overnight.
However, a lot of these methods you can try out right away.
If you think that being together will work better than being apart, or otherwise, do something about it and do it the right way.
The main thing to do is dong something about it and not throw away time thinking that things will just happen all alone.