The Best Way to Get Your Ex Girlfriend Back
This is quite natural, you may also find yourself analyzing what went wrong, and what you could have done that may have avoided the breakup in the first place.
It is likely that you may be contemplating a phone call or email to try and persuade your girlfriend to rekindle your relationship.
Doing any of these things tend to be nothing but counterproductive, and will not result in anything positive for one reason, that is you can never really know for sure what lead to the breakup.
Where strong emotions are involved a concrete reason for the problem is not always apparent, indeed your ex partner may not even be able to put their finger on what went wrong.
The main and by far the best tip I can give you to help you to get your ex girlfriend back is to just relax, sit back and let the dust settle for a while.
Go out with friends and forget about dating and women for a while, have some fun clear your mind.
When you are ready sit down and analyze what you want to change in your life, even outlining some realistic goals to improve your chances with women and relationships in the future.
It is important that you don't rush things, give yourself some time off from dating and thinking about your ex.
Take a couple of months to make the changes that you have decided on, think of it as a gift to yourself, trust me it will help you in your attempt to rekindle things with your ex.
The result of this timeout and the gradual changes you have made to yourself will have a great impact on how you look at the whole subject of dating.
It will also give you a deeper understanding of how you will set about getting your girlfriend back.
Now is the time to ask yourself an important question, do you even still want her back? it is quite possible that all this re evaluation of yourself has led you to the conclusion that you want to move on.
If this is the case that's great, however if you decide your previous girl is still the one for you now is the time to do something about it.
The first thing you need to do is to try and gauge her feelings for you.
It is important to be subtle, and to use a bit of strategy.
Under no circumstances should you beg her to take you back, hopefully your time apart has helped you to realise there are many opportunities available to you, and this is no time to get emotional.
Play things cool, the time you have spent apart should have helped your ex to realize how much she misses you so now is the time to play a little hard to get, not too much though, if she realizes you are doing quite well without her, trust me this will make you seem more attractive and interesting.
It is at this point when it will become obvious if you do really have a future together, take things slow don't over think the situation, if it's meant to be things will happen naturally.
If it is your goal then following the procedure outlined here will help you to get your ex girlfriend back and if not it will help you to move on to pastures new.