What is the Best Way to Build Muscle Fast? - One Simple Strategy to Finally Get You Going
The toughest part of beginning a workout routine is just getting started.
It's that first step that seems to be the hardest, but I assure you, once you take it, you'll want to take another, and another, and another, and...
you get the point.
It's not just the physical momentum that keeps you going, either, it's also the emotional.
When you start moving, you'll begin to feel an increase in energy and mental alertness, and a heightened sense of well-being overall.
What is the best way to build muscle fast? Even tough I love to work out - and even armed with both the scientific and anecdotal knowledge of each workout's endless benefits, physically, mentally, and emotionally - I often struggle to get my workouts started.
Generally my excuses fall into one of two categories - either I had a long day of work, or I just feel lazy and want to go straight home and sit on my glutes.
On those occasions, I always promise myself I'll work out for just fifteen minutes, and if I don't feel better by the end of that time, I tell myself I'll simply pack my bags and leave.
Fifteen minutes is, after all, much more palatable than sixty or ninety minutes, my average workout times.
As it turns out, I almost never leave - not until an entire workout has been completed.
In fact, there have been many times I started exercising while feeling tired, but once those endorphins started to flow, I magically began to feel more energized and ended up exercising with intensity, power, and vigor.
In fact, I almost always end up feeling much more invigorated and enthusiastic after (and even during) my workouts than if I had simply gone home after work.
If you don't exercise because you have no energy after work, then you need to recognize one vital factor - except for the remote possibility of a medical condition, the most likely reason for feeling tired is, in fact, that you don't exercise.
Seems ironic, doesn't it? Actually it's not.
It's that first step that seems to be the hardest, but I assure you, once you take it, you'll want to take another, and another, and another, and...
you get the point.
It's not just the physical momentum that keeps you going, either, it's also the emotional.
When you start moving, you'll begin to feel an increase in energy and mental alertness, and a heightened sense of well-being overall.
What is the best way to build muscle fast? Even tough I love to work out - and even armed with both the scientific and anecdotal knowledge of each workout's endless benefits, physically, mentally, and emotionally - I often struggle to get my workouts started.
Generally my excuses fall into one of two categories - either I had a long day of work, or I just feel lazy and want to go straight home and sit on my glutes.
On those occasions, I always promise myself I'll work out for just fifteen minutes, and if I don't feel better by the end of that time, I tell myself I'll simply pack my bags and leave.
Fifteen minutes is, after all, much more palatable than sixty or ninety minutes, my average workout times.
As it turns out, I almost never leave - not until an entire workout has been completed.
In fact, there have been many times I started exercising while feeling tired, but once those endorphins started to flow, I magically began to feel more energized and ended up exercising with intensity, power, and vigor.
In fact, I almost always end up feeling much more invigorated and enthusiastic after (and even during) my workouts than if I had simply gone home after work.
If you don't exercise because you have no energy after work, then you need to recognize one vital factor - except for the remote possibility of a medical condition, the most likely reason for feeling tired is, in fact, that you don't exercise.
Seems ironic, doesn't it? Actually it's not.