Will A Weight Training Hobby Lead To A Destructive Muscle Building Addiction?
Bodybuilding is a hobby that takes discipline and consistency in order to encourage dramatic muscle gain, with weight lifters committing themselves to regular workout sessions, consuming strict meal plans, and attempting to achieve sufficient rest each evening. For those who have the time to conveniently perform a weight lifting session each day, and who are able to observe the proper meal plan without difficulty, bodybuilding does not become an overwhelming chore, but certain bodybuilders lack any organization whatsoever, and find themselves struggling to balance life with proper weight lifting and diet variables, yet they feel so attracted to achieving muscle gain or fat loss results that they begin abdicating responsibilities in other, far more critical areas of life in favor of their bodybuilding pursuits.
This is why planning is of paramount importance to bodybuilding success, as having a specific time devoted to weight lifting, as well as segments of the day where meals are consumed, will ensure that there is no daily struggle to choose between bodybuilding workouts and family or work. Yet, even those who structure weight lifting and diet around a daily, organized regimen many times will experience unexpected scenarios that force them to rearrange their day, and for those who become obsessive over muscle gain, this can create substantial internal stress, to the point where other far more critical aspects of life are set aside in favor of a workout session. For most, proper scheduling is sufficient to avert any regular occurrences that promote skipped meals or abandoned weight lifting workouts, but life many times offers unexpected inconveniences, and when bodybuilding begins to take on a far more important meaning in life than that of its true classification (a hobby), relationships and our obligation to helping those around us can suffer greatly, leading to a loss of proper perspective on the meaning of our very existence.
Bodybuilding, as a hobby, in and of itself is innocent, and does not need to become a narcissistic pursuit used to base every aspect of confidence and self worth upon, yet for some, this is precisely what transpires, and bodybuilders begin valuing themselves based upon the level of attention they experience from others, which is linked directly with the amount of muscle mass that they display on a given day. Steroids complicate this issue further, as a bodybuilder establishes a standard that is based on drug abuse, and to maintain an identical level of superficial attention from others, steroids need to remain a constant, and this leads to a strong emotional addiction, both to drugs and the bodybuilding lifestyle.
Many families are harmed by various addictions, including drugs, alcohol and pornography, but while few consider physical fitness to be a dangerous pursuit, bodybuilding is a hobby that can promote obsessive feelings that will alienate a weight lifter from others, to the point where life begins to revolve around a mere workout and diet regimen, with all else occupying a lower priority. This skewed psychological framework destroys marriages, causes a level of obsession with self that inevitably leads to infidelity, and will promote a level of sadness and grief that can lead to severe depression and a wide range of addictions, such as those mentioned.
To avoid such introverted thinking, a bodybuilder should place the hobby in proper perspective, knowing that a meaningful existence is based upon how we love God and others, with making those who surround us feel special and wanted ranking far above whether we have a large biceps muscle or defined abs; giving to others is what promotes true happiness. Yet, this does not in any way suggest that bodybuilding is incompatible with a well adjusted, selfless existence, as the vast majority, with disciplined scheduling, can easily integrate an effective bodybuilding routine into their agenda without harming relationships or daily obligations, yet for this to successfully occur, organization is of paramount importance. Those who refuse to follow a structured timetable towards daily activities feel overwhelmed with what they must accomplish, but if carefully analyzing their day, will find that much time was squandered specifically due to haphazard living.
Therefore, to reduce the chance that bodybuilding will interfere with life's more pressing concerns, choose specific weight lifting workout and diet times that do not adversely impact family, friends or work, and do so knowing that if unexpected distractions surface, you will rearrange your schedule to address the most critical concerns first, so that bodybuilding enhances a joyous, well adjusted life, as opposed to severing the peace and harmony that we all strive for.
This is why planning is of paramount importance to bodybuilding success, as having a specific time devoted to weight lifting, as well as segments of the day where meals are consumed, will ensure that there is no daily struggle to choose between bodybuilding workouts and family or work. Yet, even those who structure weight lifting and diet around a daily, organized regimen many times will experience unexpected scenarios that force them to rearrange their day, and for those who become obsessive over muscle gain, this can create substantial internal stress, to the point where other far more critical aspects of life are set aside in favor of a workout session. For most, proper scheduling is sufficient to avert any regular occurrences that promote skipped meals or abandoned weight lifting workouts, but life many times offers unexpected inconveniences, and when bodybuilding begins to take on a far more important meaning in life than that of its true classification (a hobby), relationships and our obligation to helping those around us can suffer greatly, leading to a loss of proper perspective on the meaning of our very existence.
Bodybuilding, as a hobby, in and of itself is innocent, and does not need to become a narcissistic pursuit used to base every aspect of confidence and self worth upon, yet for some, this is precisely what transpires, and bodybuilders begin valuing themselves based upon the level of attention they experience from others, which is linked directly with the amount of muscle mass that they display on a given day. Steroids complicate this issue further, as a bodybuilder establishes a standard that is based on drug abuse, and to maintain an identical level of superficial attention from others, steroids need to remain a constant, and this leads to a strong emotional addiction, both to drugs and the bodybuilding lifestyle.
Many families are harmed by various addictions, including drugs, alcohol and pornography, but while few consider physical fitness to be a dangerous pursuit, bodybuilding is a hobby that can promote obsessive feelings that will alienate a weight lifter from others, to the point where life begins to revolve around a mere workout and diet regimen, with all else occupying a lower priority. This skewed psychological framework destroys marriages, causes a level of obsession with self that inevitably leads to infidelity, and will promote a level of sadness and grief that can lead to severe depression and a wide range of addictions, such as those mentioned.
To avoid such introverted thinking, a bodybuilder should place the hobby in proper perspective, knowing that a meaningful existence is based upon how we love God and others, with making those who surround us feel special and wanted ranking far above whether we have a large biceps muscle or defined abs; giving to others is what promotes true happiness. Yet, this does not in any way suggest that bodybuilding is incompatible with a well adjusted, selfless existence, as the vast majority, with disciplined scheduling, can easily integrate an effective bodybuilding routine into their agenda without harming relationships or daily obligations, yet for this to successfully occur, organization is of paramount importance. Those who refuse to follow a structured timetable towards daily activities feel overwhelmed with what they must accomplish, but if carefully analyzing their day, will find that much time was squandered specifically due to haphazard living.
Therefore, to reduce the chance that bodybuilding will interfere with life's more pressing concerns, choose specific weight lifting workout and diet times that do not adversely impact family, friends or work, and do so knowing that if unexpected distractions surface, you will rearrange your schedule to address the most critical concerns first, so that bodybuilding enhances a joyous, well adjusted life, as opposed to severing the peace and harmony that we all strive for.