How to Draw a Cow With Paint
- 1). Draw, in pencil, a skinny, horizontal oval to represent the cow's mouth area on a large sheet of paper.
- 2). Add an upside down "U", above the first oval. This will be the cow's head.
- 3). Add ears as small ovals to the top of the upside down "U."
- 4). Draw the body extending out to the right of the head, consisting of a very large vertical oval beginning about 3/4 of the way up the cow's head and ending just below the cow's mouth.
- 5). Add four rectangles under the body for legs. The legs should be close to the height of the head in length. Make the cow's right legs slightly shorter than the cow's left legs to make your cow appear foreshortened. Use a ruler to make the lines straight if you prefer.
- 6). Add a tail midway down the far right side of the cow's oval body by drawing a line curving downward. Add tail hairs by drawing many lines close together at the base of the tail line.
- 7). Draw eyes in the shape of ovals, with the longest dimension vertical. Place these symmetrically in the upper half of the cow's head.
- 8). Draw in eyeballs filling the bottom third of the eye ovals. Round the tops of the eyeballs.
- 9). Outline the cow in black paint, going over all the lines you made in pencil. Add hooves to the rectangular legs in black paint by painting a "V" shape in the bottom fifth of the leg and filling in the bottom portion of the rectangle with black. Allow this paint to dry fully.
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Fill in all spaces remaining with white paint. Allow the white paint to dry fully. - 11
Paint cow spots. Draw asymmetrical blobs and fill them in with black paint. Make small spots on three of the legs and make a few large spots on the cow body. You can also make a spot over one eye, just be carefully not to get black paint inside the upper half of the eye. - 12
Paint black dots for nostrils on the very first oval you drew--the mouth region.