How To Get A Six Pack Fast - How Much Should You Eat?
If you want to get a six pack fast, there is one thing that is more important than anything else.
This is your diet.
As the saying goes "abs are made in the kitchen.
" More than 80% of your results will come from your diet.
So in order to lose that stomach fat and get those abs to show, you must eat right.
The question most people have is "how much should I eat?" There is a simple way to determine how much you should eat in order to burn fat.
First, determine the amount of calories you eat on a typical day.
This is your maintenance caloric intake, or the amount of calories you intake without gaining or losing fat.
Once you get this number, you subtract 500 from it.
So if your maintenance caloric intake is 2500, you will now be eating 2000 calories a day.
If you follow this and eat right, you will be losing about 1-2 pounds of fat a week.
Now of course you have to eat healthy.
You cant expect to eat a bic mac every day and lose fat.
So stay away from the sweets and the really fatty foods.
You will be surprised how much of a difference cutting these two things out of your diet can make.
So in conclusion, if you want to get a six pack, make sure you are eating right.
A good diet combined with a good workout and exercise program is the secret to getting ripped abs.
Theres just no way around it.
If you want those abs badly enough, you have to put forth the effort to get them.
This is your diet.
As the saying goes "abs are made in the kitchen.
" More than 80% of your results will come from your diet.
So in order to lose that stomach fat and get those abs to show, you must eat right.
The question most people have is "how much should I eat?" There is a simple way to determine how much you should eat in order to burn fat.
First, determine the amount of calories you eat on a typical day.
This is your maintenance caloric intake, or the amount of calories you intake without gaining or losing fat.
Once you get this number, you subtract 500 from it.
So if your maintenance caloric intake is 2500, you will now be eating 2000 calories a day.
If you follow this and eat right, you will be losing about 1-2 pounds of fat a week.
Now of course you have to eat healthy.
You cant expect to eat a bic mac every day and lose fat.
So stay away from the sweets and the really fatty foods.
You will be surprised how much of a difference cutting these two things out of your diet can make.
So in conclusion, if you want to get a six pack, make sure you are eating right.
A good diet combined with a good workout and exercise program is the secret to getting ripped abs.
Theres just no way around it.
If you want those abs badly enough, you have to put forth the effort to get them.