Robert Parsons Breakup Reversed – Powerful System To Get Your Ex Back
Ok, let's think about this for a minute and look at the title of this book. It is called Breakup Reversed. This means literally that your breakup will be reversed and your ex will come back to you. With all the power and passion with which your ex broke up with you they will come back to you if you follow the advice laid out for you in Breakup Reversed.
What Robert Parsons did was interview couples that had gotten back together after a breakup. His goal at first was to get his own ex to come back to him after finding little success on his own. Through this research he found that there were several common factors or circumstances that wound up occurring that lead a couple to get back together again. We're not talking about couples that went through therapy and counseling or who decided that they would stay together for the sake of the kids. We're talking about people that suddenly and without really knowing why decided that they couldn't stand to be apart any longer.
As Robert Parsons gathered his information he formulated a plan that actually mimics the natural turn of events that lead a partner to change their mind and decide that they can't bear to be without the person that they formerly broke up with. They change their mind and the breakup literally reverses itself. Robert used these methods on his ex girlfriend and was successful in getting her back.
Long story short, he decided to write Breakup Reversed to help others who were in the same situation. People just like you who felt like they had just had their heart torn out and didn't know what to do. He found that his methods were successful in almost 95 percent of all cases. That means that almost 95 percent of those that used these methods were able to get their ex back which we consider a powerful testament to the effectiveness of these methods. It has been used by over seven thousand customers all over the world in 23 countries to bring their ex back in a powerful way.
So the only question left is do you want to keep on doing what you've been doing and getting the results that you have been getting. Or do you want to try something that has been proven to be wildly effective in almost 95 percent of the relationships that it has been used on. Those are mighty good odds in your favor and ones that I would take if I were you.