Flowering Maple Information
- Native to Brazil, the flowering maple can be found in many parts of Central and South America. In the early 19th century the plant was introduced to North America and Europe. This evergreen does well outside in warmer climates and thrives indoors in more moderate ones.
- Flowering maples can grow up to 10 feet tall and just as wide if they are planted in a large space. It is possible to control the growth by pruning and by allowing the plant to become a bit root bound.
- Leaves tend to be pale green and have a fuzzy texture. Some leaves have a mottled coloring that has been attributed to a virus called the Abutilon Mosaic Virus. It can spread from one plant to another through the seeds or by grafting. Other than the mottling, the virus appears to have no effect.
- Flowering maple blossoms have five petals. It is possible to find them in white, yellow, orange, and varying shades of red as well as blue. Blooming season is April through June, but the plant has been known to flower at other times of the year.
- Flowering maples can be cloned year round by using softwood cuttings. If started from seed, the temperature should be kept at 75 degrees until germination which takes roughly 21 days. Start them in spring and you will have flowers by the coming winter season.
Starting New Plants