The Cheapest Grip Training Tool!
And while much of the sport specific training that you do (especially when training with a gi) incorporates the grip and the hands and fingers get worked very hard.
For this reason alone, I don't like doing specific work for the grip.
Pinch gripping, caption of crush work, etc are all good, but I find that when adding this on top of everything I already do, my hands and grip get overtrained pretty quickly.
This solution, and the CHEAPEST grip tool available is a simple bath or beach towel.
You can use this with a variety of movements, making them all the more challenging and killing two birds with one stone! For a super strong grip and a pair of popeye forearms, try these movements on for size.
Drape a towel over your chin up bar and chin away! 2.
Bent Over Rows.
Not only do you get a tremendous grip benefit, but because of the parallel grip with the towel, you will work your upperback musculature in an entirely different way.
Deadlifts or Romanian Deadlifts.
These movements alone will already hammer your grip (and everything else), but throw a towel into the mix and you have a whole new ball game.
Sure you'll take some poundage off your usual weights, but these are a nice alternative for a change of pace.
Barbell Shrugs.
I love these for high reps, in the 15-30 range, or done for time - trying to get as many reps as possible in 30 seconds.
Nice at the end of a workout, especially when supersetted with heavy THICK BAR curls.
Kettlebell Swings.
Gripping a towel instead of the handle, try TIMED swings and be ready to have some intense hand and forearm cramping (not to mention the conditioning benefit)! 6.
Hanging Ab Work.
Leg Raises, Scissor Kicks, Windshield Wipers - these are all great core movements.
Hang on to a towel instead of the bar and now you have an awesome synergy of grip, core, and lat strength.
Perfect for combat athletes!