The Need For Heirloom Seeds in Your Long Term Food Storage
It's one thing to have a 72-hour emergency kit and be prepared for a short-lived disaster, yet quite another to stock up on food supplies for an event that is much longer in duration.
There are a number of excuses for focusing solely on a shorter-term disaster survival plan, but what if you were required to be self-sustaining for weeks, months, or even longer? It's not a fun topic to dwell upon, but it is something to prepare for, even if its use never comes into fruition.
Kind of like insurance, you can take comfort in knowing if it ever was necessary, you are at least covered.
One of the most useful additions to a long-term food supply is heirloom seeds.
These beauties are extremely important for many reasons.
Heirloom seeds are not genetically modified (non-hybrid).
This makes it possible to gather seeds from your veggies to reuse season after season.
Even if your focus was more on frugality and good health (non-GMO), these seeds are the best way to go.
Imagine a situation where a person (maybe you) did not have much extra space to store MRE's, dehydrated foods, freeze-dried items, canned goods (and the like), does have enough seeds to be able to produce an output more than all of these things combined year after year indefinitely.
Wouldn't that put a hefty premium on these puppies in a circumstance in which they were called for? Much like having a good water filter should be a high priority on your long-term emergency supplies list because you can literally suck gallons of safe drinking water out of lakes and streams, heirloom seeds are your food counterpart to this equation.
Ever find yourself wondering what else you should add to your emergency preparedness regimen? Take it from this angle-- how can I leverage all of these items for the benefit of myself and others should we ever need to put them to use? Then you might decide to store things that you personally might not use, but could barter with someone else to get something that you want that hadn't occurred to you during your preparation efforts.
And, bingo, heirloom seeds are just the ticket to add to your storage, because you can either trade the produce you get from the growing of them, or some of the heirloom seeds themselves.
They will be more precious than gold in times of need! Heirloom seeds are such a practical addition to your long-term emergency food storage.
And you'll be surprised at the variety of this type of seed that is on the market today.
If you're a gardener already you should experiment with heirloom seeds.
You'll find that you won't want to go back to hybrid seeds afterward.
The heirlooms are natural and prolific!
There are a number of excuses for focusing solely on a shorter-term disaster survival plan, but what if you were required to be self-sustaining for weeks, months, or even longer? It's not a fun topic to dwell upon, but it is something to prepare for, even if its use never comes into fruition.
Kind of like insurance, you can take comfort in knowing if it ever was necessary, you are at least covered.
One of the most useful additions to a long-term food supply is heirloom seeds.
These beauties are extremely important for many reasons.
Heirloom seeds are not genetically modified (non-hybrid).
This makes it possible to gather seeds from your veggies to reuse season after season.
Even if your focus was more on frugality and good health (non-GMO), these seeds are the best way to go.
Imagine a situation where a person (maybe you) did not have much extra space to store MRE's, dehydrated foods, freeze-dried items, canned goods (and the like), does have enough seeds to be able to produce an output more than all of these things combined year after year indefinitely.
Wouldn't that put a hefty premium on these puppies in a circumstance in which they were called for? Much like having a good water filter should be a high priority on your long-term emergency supplies list because you can literally suck gallons of safe drinking water out of lakes and streams, heirloom seeds are your food counterpart to this equation.
Ever find yourself wondering what else you should add to your emergency preparedness regimen? Take it from this angle-- how can I leverage all of these items for the benefit of myself and others should we ever need to put them to use? Then you might decide to store things that you personally might not use, but could barter with someone else to get something that you want that hadn't occurred to you during your preparation efforts.
And, bingo, heirloom seeds are just the ticket to add to your storage, because you can either trade the produce you get from the growing of them, or some of the heirloom seeds themselves.
They will be more precious than gold in times of need! Heirloom seeds are such a practical addition to your long-term emergency food storage.
And you'll be surprised at the variety of this type of seed that is on the market today.
If you're a gardener already you should experiment with heirloom seeds.
You'll find that you won't want to go back to hybrid seeds afterward.
The heirlooms are natural and prolific!