Container Gardening - Choosing The Right Planters
There are so many choices today in container styles, sizes and materials. There are numerous factors to take into consideration when you decide on the right purchase. Here are a few points to take into consideration – cost, weight, availability, size, durability, interior ledge, winter care and maintenance. When you select your planter or pot, you will want to decide on what design and color. Whatever you choose, ensure that every container has an adequate drainage hole in the bottom.
While a more formal design features matching containers, for a more casual and informal arrangement, choose a mix of different containers and planters in various sizes and styles that you find appealing. For example, if you have a cottage-style garden, you may want to look at matching resin containers with the look and feel of terracotta or Mediterranean style. They weigh much much less than the terracotta, but give a similar old-feel cottage look. In choosing matching containers, you create a more unifying design; however, you can use different plant combinations in each for excitement. We have found that using large and small containers together adds variety and great interest to the grouping. Today there are so many colors to choose from in your planters and pots, it is easy to match the exterior design of your home or use color as accent areas in your patio room.
When it comes to containers, as far as we are concerned, the larger the better. There are some wonderful conical planters that just stand out in any environment. Group several large planters and you instantly have a gardenlike feel because of the masses of plants they can accommodate. From a design point of view, large containers are also in scale with most patios and decks, especially when they are clustered together. In some areas, where a number of small pots would seem lost, your large, plant packed containers do make a statement and create an outstanding focal point.
There is a second practical point in choosing large containers – they are easier to care for than groups of small ones, simply because they need watering less often. We have had many dry seasons over the years when watering has become an almost constant activity. You can purchase self-watering kits for your containers; they are definitely worthwhile for your smaller pots. If you wish to plant in large rectangular containers to make a border along your deck or patio, usually you can just give them a good soak every other day, even in very hot weather. If you are away from your rooftop deck or balcony, it will be much easier to schedule watering time.
In our next Article, we will be discussing the maintenance and care of various types of planters and urns.
While a more formal design features matching containers, for a more casual and informal arrangement, choose a mix of different containers and planters in various sizes and styles that you find appealing. For example, if you have a cottage-style garden, you may want to look at matching resin containers with the look and feel of terracotta or Mediterranean style. They weigh much much less than the terracotta, but give a similar old-feel cottage look. In choosing matching containers, you create a more unifying design; however, you can use different plant combinations in each for excitement. We have found that using large and small containers together adds variety and great interest to the grouping. Today there are so many colors to choose from in your planters and pots, it is easy to match the exterior design of your home or use color as accent areas in your patio room.
When it comes to containers, as far as we are concerned, the larger the better. There are some wonderful conical planters that just stand out in any environment. Group several large planters and you instantly have a gardenlike feel because of the masses of plants they can accommodate. From a design point of view, large containers are also in scale with most patios and decks, especially when they are clustered together. In some areas, where a number of small pots would seem lost, your large, plant packed containers do make a statement and create an outstanding focal point.
There is a second practical point in choosing large containers – they are easier to care for than groups of small ones, simply because they need watering less often. We have had many dry seasons over the years when watering has become an almost constant activity. You can purchase self-watering kits for your containers; they are definitely worthwhile for your smaller pots. If you wish to plant in large rectangular containers to make a border along your deck or patio, usually you can just give them a good soak every other day, even in very hot weather. If you are away from your rooftop deck or balcony, it will be much easier to schedule watering time.
In our next Article, we will be discussing the maintenance and care of various types of planters and urns.