How to Get Big Arms!
Every guy wants them.
The are the trophy muscle group that everyone can see.
People with big arms will also be thought of as stronger then say of a person with big legs, however that is not overly the case.
But no one asks, "Hey how much can you leg press?" Everyone wants to know, "Hey, how much can you Bench press?" Well, your wondering, "How does Bench press and Arms go together? I thought your chest muscles got bigger with bench work outs.
" Well, your chest does get bigger with chest work out, but so do your arms.
I am going to give you a simple example.
You don't see a guy benching 250 that has skinny arms.
Our a guy who can do 50 dips in a row have small arms, unless he is a small man.
But let's say hes not.
That man will have big arms.
Why? Because "Chest Bench" Work outs also work the Triceps muscle.
And Triceps take up the majority of your arms.
You may of thought that biceps did.
But look at the two words themselves.
Triceps and Biceps.
Which one would you now assume was bigger? So the key here is to not be doing Biceps work outs all the time, that won't get your arms big, and any cite or company that tells you otherwise is wrong.
It doesn't hurt.
But if you want those big arms, care more about your Chest/triceps days, or at least do chest and triceps.
Biceps are important to, so try to get a equal work out across all muscle groups!
The are the trophy muscle group that everyone can see.
People with big arms will also be thought of as stronger then say of a person with big legs, however that is not overly the case.
But no one asks, "Hey how much can you leg press?" Everyone wants to know, "Hey, how much can you Bench press?" Well, your wondering, "How does Bench press and Arms go together? I thought your chest muscles got bigger with bench work outs.
" Well, your chest does get bigger with chest work out, but so do your arms.
I am going to give you a simple example.
You don't see a guy benching 250 that has skinny arms.
Our a guy who can do 50 dips in a row have small arms, unless he is a small man.
But let's say hes not.
That man will have big arms.
Why? Because "Chest Bench" Work outs also work the Triceps muscle.
And Triceps take up the majority of your arms.
You may of thought that biceps did.
But look at the two words themselves.
Triceps and Biceps.
Which one would you now assume was bigger? So the key here is to not be doing Biceps work outs all the time, that won't get your arms big, and any cite or company that tells you otherwise is wrong.
It doesn't hurt.
But if you want those big arms, care more about your Chest/triceps days, or at least do chest and triceps.
Biceps are important to, so try to get a equal work out across all muscle groups!