Not a Dream Any Longer - Turn Fat Loss, Muscle Gain Into a Dream Come True
Think about it.
Fat loss, muscle gain are two parallel processes when training.
The issue here is how to make those processes begin to take place and transform your body.
Once you achieve this to happen, it will happen on it's own.
Those fitness magazine covers big men have an intimidating muscle mass and you cannot notice a single gram of fat.
Do you think they work half of the day to gain muscle mass and the other half of their time to get rid of fat? No, they focus on their muscles development.
That same training makes fat melt.
The secret that triggers fat loss, muscle gain process: the two cycles concept.
Any experienced bodybuilder knows about it and I still don't know why they don't share this piece of knowledge.
Are they scared that students could surpass the masters? To the point, majority of professional bodybuilders agree that the best way to achieve the ideal body type (big, pure muscle, no fat, ripped) is to first advocate to grow.
Focus on building muscles.
Do not worry about losing weight and do not diet during this first cycle.
Once you have noticed a real muscle gain, let it show up.
Start with the cutting down cycle.
Now it is time to get rid of that fatty cover over your newly built muscles.
Bulking up first and then cutting down are the keys to success.
The bigger the muscle mass is, the easier it will be to go down with the diet considering that muscle metabolically helps to melt fat.
Once you are done with the fat loss cycle, keeping your muscle exercises will keep you fit.
So as a beginner, what you need to start building muscle is a three days a week full routine.
This routine has to be simple and with weight.
Weight creates resistance and resistance makes muscle fibres get to work and grow.
Do not train in consecutive days.
Alternate training with a minimal 24 hours resting and alternate the body parts you are exercising.
Make two or three sets per exercise and with 8 repetitions each for muscle gain.
After the first cycle of muscle gain, comes fat loss cycle.
Here you will control your calories intake, avoid fats and add more proteins to your diet.
Apart from you losing weight diet, you should add 30 minutes of aerobic exercises to your weightlifting routine.
The muscles you have been building will start to show up as fat vanishes.
More than one will be surprised with the changes! So give it a try: fat loss, muscle gain - that is a real chance.
Start now, before summer arrives.
Fat loss, muscle gain are two parallel processes when training.
The issue here is how to make those processes begin to take place and transform your body.
Once you achieve this to happen, it will happen on it's own.
Those fitness magazine covers big men have an intimidating muscle mass and you cannot notice a single gram of fat.
Do you think they work half of the day to gain muscle mass and the other half of their time to get rid of fat? No, they focus on their muscles development.
That same training makes fat melt.
The secret that triggers fat loss, muscle gain process: the two cycles concept.
Any experienced bodybuilder knows about it and I still don't know why they don't share this piece of knowledge.
Are they scared that students could surpass the masters? To the point, majority of professional bodybuilders agree that the best way to achieve the ideal body type (big, pure muscle, no fat, ripped) is to first advocate to grow.
Focus on building muscles.
Do not worry about losing weight and do not diet during this first cycle.
Once you have noticed a real muscle gain, let it show up.
Start with the cutting down cycle.
Now it is time to get rid of that fatty cover over your newly built muscles.
Bulking up first and then cutting down are the keys to success.
The bigger the muscle mass is, the easier it will be to go down with the diet considering that muscle metabolically helps to melt fat.
Once you are done with the fat loss cycle, keeping your muscle exercises will keep you fit.
So as a beginner, what you need to start building muscle is a three days a week full routine.
This routine has to be simple and with weight.
Weight creates resistance and resistance makes muscle fibres get to work and grow.
Do not train in consecutive days.
Alternate training with a minimal 24 hours resting and alternate the body parts you are exercising.
Make two or three sets per exercise and with 8 repetitions each for muscle gain.
After the first cycle of muscle gain, comes fat loss cycle.
Here you will control your calories intake, avoid fats and add more proteins to your diet.
Apart from you losing weight diet, you should add 30 minutes of aerobic exercises to your weightlifting routine.
The muscles you have been building will start to show up as fat vanishes.
More than one will be surprised with the changes! So give it a try: fat loss, muscle gain - that is a real chance.
Start now, before summer arrives.