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Pain Diseases : Health & Medical

Elbow Pain

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Traditional and Alternative Therapies for Curing Sciatica

How you go about curing sciatica depends on the nature of the original problem. Sciatica is caused by an irritation or a pressure on the Lumbar-5 nerve, also called the sciatic nerve, which is a long nerve that runs from the lower back, through the buttocks, and into the legs. The irritation can be

Computer Mousing and Ganglion

People are trying a lot of things to relieve their wrist pain due to computer mousing the whole day. Some may have even used some floating supports that can move along with the mouse, while others end up bandaging their hands and wrists in order for the two to move along with each other. Surprisingl

Back Surgery? No Thanks

If you're suffering from persistent back pain you feel you'd do almost anything to get better. But whatever your doctor recommends, think twice about surgery. Many back problems get better without intervention, and sometimes it's best to let nature take its course.

Causes of Sciatica

Sciatica pain is caused by irritation and inflammation of the sciatic nerve, a large nerve that branches off the spinal cord. The sciatic nerve is the largest nerve in the body, about the diameter of a finger.

Six Common Reasons For Back Pain After A Technically Successful Spine Surgery

Even under the best of indications and technical performance, spine surgery has its limitations. Patients often do not understand that even in this day and age of modern medicine with all its advancements, spine surgery only maintains an overall success rate of 20-30% at 2 years. Here are six common

Over 50 Spinal Stenosis - Prospects For Back Pain Relief

Spinal stenosis is a painful condition. It involves pressure on the nerves that leave the spinal cord and pass between the vertebrae, or bones in the spine. There are different causes for the pressure and the focus for the patient is back pain relief. A treatment plan involving soft tissue condition

Sciatic Pain Relief - A Must Read For People Searching For a Cure

Sciatic pain relief can only be accomplished by first understanding the cause. Sciatic pain is generally due to the compression or irritation of sciatic nerve that originates from nerve roots located in the spinal column. The symptoms can range from pain felt in the lower back, legs, buttock and or

An Over-The-Counter Migraine Remedy

A migraine is a type of vascular headache that affects over 29.5 million Americans, according to the National Headache Foundation. Women are affected three times more often by migraines than men. Many things can cause a migraine attack. Stress, hormonal changes, medications, environmental changes a

Herniated Disk And Chiropractic Adjustment

When one suffers from back pain that goes down to your leg, daily activities become problematic and at times even intolerable. Herniated disk is one of the causes of back pain. It is also known as ruptured disk or slipped disk.

Back Injury and How to Prevent It

Many of those who have ever gotten a back injury know how incapacitating it can be. A weak back is essentially a weak lower body. This is due to the fact that the it is the central motor to most of the lower body's muscles. There are different types of back pain that happen to different parts o

Ulnar Nerve Entrapment

An injury to the elbow such as a dislocation or fracture can tear or inflame the ulnar nerve, which extends down the arm, across the elbow, and into the hand. The inflamed nerve can swell and become trapped, causing a condition called ulnar nerve entrapment or cubital tunnel syndrome.

Hydrate Yourself to Low Back Pain Relief

Isn't it true that the answer to our biggest problems is often right under our nose?Years ago, an expert in the field of the healing powers of water, Dr. Batmanghelidj gave new hope to low back pain sufferers across the globe for natural, drug free and fast back pain relief with a simple glass

Natural Heartburn Throat Pain Relief

Heartburn and throat pain can occur from stomach acid or bile that backwashes into the esophagus (food pipe), irritating it. If this occurs chronically, it can be known as GERD (gastroesophageal reflux disease). There are natural heartburn throat pain relief options that do not involve taking chem

How Do You Deal With Your Back Pain?

We know that back pain does not happen overnight. Back pain sometimes can be caused suddenly by a car accident, a fall, or even lifting an object wrong. So, how do you deal with your back pain? I will show you some things you can do to help eliminate your pain.