Hydrate Yourself to Low Back Pain Relief
Isn't it true that the answer to our biggest problems is often right under our nose? Years ago, an expert in the field of the healing powers of water, Dr.
Batmanghelidj gave new hope to low back pain sufferers across the globe for natural, drug free and fast back pain relief with a simple glass of water.
Here's the deal: Low back pain (and some types of spinal arthritis) can be a warning sign of dehydration of the body.
The discs in our spine can be viewed as shock absorbers which cushion and support the vertical weight of our body.
They are made up of proteins, cartilage and water.
Water is the essence behind our life.
Our bodies are comprised of more than 60% water and just going about our daily activities (including breathing) regularly eliminates water from our bodies.
If we don't replenish the water that is used, our bodies become dehydrated and, to keep us alive, water is leached and stolen from all areas of our body (muscle, blood, body fat, bones and other organs and tissues)! As your body becomes more and more dehydrated, water is taken from the discs and the discs begin to collapse ...
minimizing the benefit of the natural 'shock absorbers' causing pain and discomfort.
So, what's one tool in finding natural low back pain relief? In one word: hydrate.
Batmanghelidj states that these conditions should be treated with increased water intake - not a commercial treatment.
Unfortunately, most people (including many medical professionals) are not aware of the signs or symptoms of dehydration and, worse, ignore those signs which may lead to further dehydration and damage.
The scariest thing about the last statement is that few people truly understand the power of water, why we need it, and how it can help us heal (including natural back pain relief).
Instead, they turn to medication, surgery and a host of other commercial products which may provide temporary short term back pain relief, but, eventually, ignoring the body's natural cries for water may result in more harm than good.
According to Dr.
Batmanghelidj, the average person should consume half their body weight in ounces of water.
Using that formula, a 200 pound man would consume 100 ounces of water.
Dehydration is just one example of how the symptom of 'pain' may actually be signaling us that something is wrong and needs to be addressed.
This is just one of the many, many tools available for natural neck and back pain relief.
Batmanghelidj gave new hope to low back pain sufferers across the globe for natural, drug free and fast back pain relief with a simple glass of water.
Here's the deal: Low back pain (and some types of spinal arthritis) can be a warning sign of dehydration of the body.
The discs in our spine can be viewed as shock absorbers which cushion and support the vertical weight of our body.
They are made up of proteins, cartilage and water.
Water is the essence behind our life.
Our bodies are comprised of more than 60% water and just going about our daily activities (including breathing) regularly eliminates water from our bodies.
If we don't replenish the water that is used, our bodies become dehydrated and, to keep us alive, water is leached and stolen from all areas of our body (muscle, blood, body fat, bones and other organs and tissues)! As your body becomes more and more dehydrated, water is taken from the discs and the discs begin to collapse ...
minimizing the benefit of the natural 'shock absorbers' causing pain and discomfort.
So, what's one tool in finding natural low back pain relief? In one word: hydrate.
Batmanghelidj states that these conditions should be treated with increased water intake - not a commercial treatment.
Unfortunately, most people (including many medical professionals) are not aware of the signs or symptoms of dehydration and, worse, ignore those signs which may lead to further dehydration and damage.
The scariest thing about the last statement is that few people truly understand the power of water, why we need it, and how it can help us heal (including natural back pain relief).
Instead, they turn to medication, surgery and a host of other commercial products which may provide temporary short term back pain relief, but, eventually, ignoring the body's natural cries for water may result in more harm than good.
According to Dr.
Batmanghelidj, the average person should consume half their body weight in ounces of water.
Using that formula, a 200 pound man would consume 100 ounces of water.
Dehydration is just one example of how the symptom of 'pain' may actually be signaling us that something is wrong and needs to be addressed.
This is just one of the many, many tools available for natural neck and back pain relief.