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Fitness & bodybuilding : Health & Medical

Muscle Building "Tip of the Day"

There is one major factor that is often overlooked when it comes to building muscle. Many people spend hours and hours in the gym with little or no results and can't seem to figure out ...

Why Warm Up?

By performing warm-up routines, you actually do literally just that - warm up the body. We are not talking about raising the overall internal temperature of the body (to do so would be to put ...

Health Benefits of Eating Ginger

Ginger is very good for many common illness and afflictions. It has been used for hundreds of years for prevention as well as treatment of colds, flu and congestion of the nose and throat. Ginger helps get the digestive juices flowing and aid the digestive system to absorb micro nutrients. Ginger oi

How Does a Cramp Occur?

Exercise-induced CrampsExercising is probably the most common cause of muscle cramps. Exercising hard cause small rips in the muscles. When the muscles are being worked too hard, they can respond by cramping up. Cramps are also caused by hyperflexion--bending a joint beyond where it is...

Cure My Sweaty Palms Review

If you are like me then you will know how much sweaty palms can affect your life. It means that you don't place your hand on dark colored bench tops or counters in stores, because it always leaves the sweaty palm print behind for all to see.

The Polar FT60 - The Right Right Heart Rate Monitor (HRM) for You?

When choosing a fitness monitoring tool, it behooves you to select a product that addresses your needs. There are a myriad of low tech. to high-tech. options at your disposal; you may simply want to track your distance or speed while walking or jogging; or seek more advanced models that monitor and

Some Of The Causes Of Bad Breath And What You Can Do About It

Bad breath can be very embarrassing. Nobody wants to have bad breath, much less smell someone else's bad breath. Truth of the matter is I bet everyone person has experienced both sides of this. Several things such as smoking, what you have to drink, dieting, and illness like a cold can cause yo

James Anderson Profile

The best way to sum up James Anderson's bowling is to paraphrase Mother Goose: when he's good, he's very, very good - and when he's bad he's horrid. Well,

The Fast Weight Loss Program

The fastest weight loss program is one that includes both exercising and dieting. Most people don't know this but diet is actually more important than exercise for someone trying to lose weight and lose weight fast. It encompasses 80% of the weight loss effort, while exercise is only about 20% o

Do we need to Micromanage our Bodies?

Copyright (c) 2007 The Brain Code LLC Do you have high cholesterol, high blood pressure, insulin insensitivity, depression, joint pain, back pain, leg pain, a pain in the neck... No problem, just get down to ...

Exercise Ball Exercises for Beginners

For those tired of the same old workout, it may be time to consider an exercise ball. This also is a good choice for someone who wants to work on full-body fitness in a more holistic way since muscles of various body groups work together during exercise ball movements. The core is especially strengt

Men's Lacrosse Uniforms

Link to Mens Lacrosse uniforms site. Lightning Wear sells and manufactures team uniforms and warm up/spirit wear. All products are designed, cut and sewn in the United States.

Shrek Causing Stir in Anti-Obesity Commercials

The children's advocacy group Campaign for a Commercial-Free Childhood believes that the overweight ogre has too many ties to junk food to justify the cartoon character as a health advocate.

Calories Work Differently For Women

Calories work out for women differently than men. If you want to get skinny, ladies, then you need to read this article to find out how women's work out routines affect calorie consumption and fat burning. How many calories do you really need for that workout?

The Importance of Being Fit and Healthy is Often Ignored!

There are a huge number of people in this world who know they are overweight but they don't do much about it. This is because they are not aware of the hidden facts the problems and issues they can have in the future if they still remain fat.