The Fast Weight Loss Program
The fastest weight loss program is one that includes both exercising and dieting.
Most people don't know this but diet is actually more important than exercise for someone trying to lose weight and lose weight fast.
It encompasses 80% of the weight loss effort, while exercise is only about 20% of it.
The best weight loss program is one designed specifically for you.
Some systems have thousands of diet combinations that can be catered to your needs.
These are perfect because they're constructed with you and only you in mind.
Some common weight loss diets actually are just plain bad for you.
The low-carb diet is way too strict and is hardly sustainable.
It will make your life miserable as it causes headaches, irritability and loss of sleep.
This is because your body does not function well without carbohydrates.
There is no point in losing weight if you are going to be more unhealthy than when you were overweight.
Another common diet to avoid is the low fat diet.
Your body actually needs fat to be healthy.
These low fat foods you buy in stores just substitute fats for calories so they are very high in calories.
More importantly, low fat foods don't equal weight loss anyway.
The final diet to avoid is the starvation diet.
This is a horrible diet because your body needs food to function.
You may lose a pound or two using this diet but it is just water weight.
In addition, your body is actually more unhealthy losing weight this way than it would be if you were to gain weight.
As you can see, losing weight the healthy way is extremely important.
When done correctly, people can lose pounds of pure fat every week.
Most people don't know this but diet is actually more important than exercise for someone trying to lose weight and lose weight fast.
It encompasses 80% of the weight loss effort, while exercise is only about 20% of it.
The best weight loss program is one designed specifically for you.
Some systems have thousands of diet combinations that can be catered to your needs.
These are perfect because they're constructed with you and only you in mind.
Some common weight loss diets actually are just plain bad for you.
The low-carb diet is way too strict and is hardly sustainable.
It will make your life miserable as it causes headaches, irritability and loss of sleep.
This is because your body does not function well without carbohydrates.
There is no point in losing weight if you are going to be more unhealthy than when you were overweight.
Another common diet to avoid is the low fat diet.
Your body actually needs fat to be healthy.
These low fat foods you buy in stores just substitute fats for calories so they are very high in calories.
More importantly, low fat foods don't equal weight loss anyway.
The final diet to avoid is the starvation diet.
This is a horrible diet because your body needs food to function.
You may lose a pound or two using this diet but it is just water weight.
In addition, your body is actually more unhealthy losing weight this way than it would be if you were to gain weight.
As you can see, losing weight the healthy way is extremely important.
When done correctly, people can lose pounds of pure fat every week.