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Writing : Society & Culture & Entertainment

Article Marketing: How To Grab Your Readers Attention!

You may want to considering hiring a person who understands SEO and the other manners in which an Internet business can be marketing online in this day and age. Obviously, your SEO copywriter must hav

Urdu Poetry - Haroon

Urdu is the national language of Pakistan. If not spoken throughout the country, its understood in everypart of Pakistan.

Keep Dreaming

When you keep on dreaming, you keep on living. How does a dream affects your beliefs, your life?

The Writer's Stretch'n'grow

The writer's stretch'n'grow uses the analogy of babies' stretchy clothing to show how we need room both to move and to grow. This article gives some tips on how to make use of this analogy.

How to Earn Money Online With eHow

eHow is the biggest article directory on the internet and one of the most visited sites worldwide. The articles published on eHow are instructional and are pertinent to a lot of different niches, from graphic design to cleaning and from electronics to pet care. Most of the content is submitted by eH

Pr Tips For Writers

PR expert Michelle Tennant Nicholson discusses PR tips and tools authors can use to promote their book.

Fast Article Marketing - Text Anchor Links and Search Engine Optimization

There are two main purposes for article writing. The first purpose is to generate backlinks and the second is to create direct click throughs. You should still take advantage of the opportunity to allow the search engines to raise your search engine rankings by giving you powerful credit for your te

Time Management Skills for Writers

Writing from home for a living may sound like a dream, but one of the hardest things about the job isn't actually the writing. Like all work-at-home careers, balancing the job with the home c

How Professional Speakers Control Their Stage Fright

Yes, you wonder how professional speakers rely so little on notes, and how they give the same presentations repeatedly yet maintain their enthusiasm for the topic. Mostly, though, you wonder whether they experience stage fright--and if so, how they control it. This article shares stage fright advice

Writing Articles - 5 Elements to a Successful Article Structure

Would you like to know how to structure your articles perfectly every time? Do you want to write your articles in a way that will capture the readers' attention as well as express your point in a logical and understandable way?There are different types of writers out there.

3 Easy Marketing Tips for Writers

If you want to make a full time living from your writing, then you need to learn how to market. There are some very easy, and free, techniques you can use to market your writing online, like blogs, articles, and search engines.

What Are The Benefits Of Organic Makeup?

Fragrances, mineral oils, and many other ingredients that are oil-derived cannot be found in organic makeup. These certain components have been associated with acne, clogged pores, many allergic reactions, and some other major conditions including kidney and liver damage. The most widely seen petrol

The Magic of the 100 Day Book Goal

Do you dream of a book with your name on it as author? You're not alone, if you do. Researchers say 81% of us have a book dream hidden in our heart. Yet many never accomplish this lofty goal, leaving only a select few that go on to write a salable book.

Work From Home-article Writing

Article writing is the talk of the hour. And if you would like to work from home then what you need is just an internet connection at home. There is a good demand for writers these days and you can tr