Easy Article Marketing Tips - 2 PROVEN Ways to Make More Money With Every Article You Write
Who else is writing articles like a crazy person...
only to find that you're making far less money than you should? Are you churning out copious amounts of killer content on a daily basis, only to find your articles dropping in the search engines, along with your self confidence and motivation to keep creating more? If you've got your hand up right now, RELAX...
you are NOT alone! The simple truth is that most people are failing when it comes to making a full time living on the broad shoulders of writing articles for traffic, and if you're one of them, it's really not your fault.
Why? Well, because most of the stuff being taught by article marketing "gurus" is really not great.
Writing an article every day is not going to make you rich, and writing 50 articles a day (as I saw recommended earlier today) not only sounds exhausting, it's not practical for most of you as well.
But this IS.
And you can try it today...
and watch your article increase their readership, get bigger and better click through percentages, and you can start to concentrate MORE on converting those eyeballs your content is getting into cash.
Tip #1: Tweak and Titillate (Your Titles) Your title is the most important part of your article.
Really, it is.
More important than the content, the bullet points or even your resource box.
In competitive markets, the people who do BEST with article marketing are NOT the most informed, the smartest or even have the most expertise in the niche.
They are the ones who write the best, most attention grabbing, creative and captivating titles, pure and simple.
The key to writing titles that convert is to simply thing LONG.
Write longer, benefit laden, big promise or dire warning style titles...
and when they show up in the search results, trust me...
they are FAR more clickable than the tepid titles your competition is putting out for sure.
Tip #2: Compel, Coerce and Cajole (Your Resource Box) You've got to do some arm twisting to get people to click through, no question about it.
Make a big promise.
Offer something good on the other side.
Create controversy, use curiosity or even confrontation.
People NEED to have their eyes popped open sometimes to take action, and the resource box is where you've got to do it to make it happen.
Remember, you can write the best article in the world...
but if no one clicks through, it's not gin to make any difference at all in your business...
OR your bank account!
only to find that you're making far less money than you should? Are you churning out copious amounts of killer content on a daily basis, only to find your articles dropping in the search engines, along with your self confidence and motivation to keep creating more? If you've got your hand up right now, RELAX...
you are NOT alone! The simple truth is that most people are failing when it comes to making a full time living on the broad shoulders of writing articles for traffic, and if you're one of them, it's really not your fault.
Why? Well, because most of the stuff being taught by article marketing "gurus" is really not great.
Writing an article every day is not going to make you rich, and writing 50 articles a day (as I saw recommended earlier today) not only sounds exhausting, it's not practical for most of you as well.
But this IS.
And you can try it today...
and watch your article increase their readership, get bigger and better click through percentages, and you can start to concentrate MORE on converting those eyeballs your content is getting into cash.
Tip #1: Tweak and Titillate (Your Titles) Your title is the most important part of your article.
Really, it is.
More important than the content, the bullet points or even your resource box.
In competitive markets, the people who do BEST with article marketing are NOT the most informed, the smartest or even have the most expertise in the niche.
They are the ones who write the best, most attention grabbing, creative and captivating titles, pure and simple.
The key to writing titles that convert is to simply thing LONG.
Write longer, benefit laden, big promise or dire warning style titles...
and when they show up in the search results, trust me...
they are FAR more clickable than the tepid titles your competition is putting out for sure.
Tip #2: Compel, Coerce and Cajole (Your Resource Box) You've got to do some arm twisting to get people to click through, no question about it.
Make a big promise.
Offer something good on the other side.
Create controversy, use curiosity or even confrontation.
People NEED to have their eyes popped open sometimes to take action, and the resource box is where you've got to do it to make it happen.
Remember, you can write the best article in the world...
but if no one clicks through, it's not gin to make any difference at all in your business...
OR your bank account!