Writing Articles - 5 Elements to a Successful Article Structure
Would you like to know how to structure your articles perfectly every time? Do you want to write your articles in a way that will capture the readers' attention as well as express your point in a logical and understandable way? There are different types of writers out there.
Some sit down at the keyboard and type away until all of their thoughts have escaped onto the blank screen before them.
There are others who plot, brainstorm and plan each detail before putting anything down on paper.
Which methods you use and how you use them do not matter so much as long as your final product is how it should be.
This final product needs to have a structure to it.
Even if you are one of those people who can sit down and type out an article from start to finish without any notes or brainstorming, you still need to be sure that article follows the proper structure.
Here are some guidelines to the basic structure every article should contain: The Hook It's called the hook for a reason.
This part of your article should reel the reader in.
The hook is especially important in web writing because if you don't capture their attention immediately, they will click on through to something else.
You need a strong or interesting point in the hook that will encourage the reader to keep reading.
The Summary The summary of your article should basically sum up what your article is about.
You will then provide the supporting points and facts later.
The reader should be able to see in a clear and concise format what the rest of your article will contain.
The Body The body of your article is where you will include all the support points in a logical and understandable way.
You should include strong points that help support your focus of the article.
Don't just throw in information to take up space or add to the word count.
Make sure the points you are using help the focus of the entire article.
Weaker points should be combined with strong points to further make your point or just thrown out altogether if they do not contribute to the article as a whole.
You also need to make sure your points are interesting and not just a listing of facts which the reader will find boring.
The Conclusion In your conclusion you should sum up everything that has been said previously in your article as briefly and accurately as possible.
Many articles start off strong and then just sort of end prematurely leaving the reader feeling disappointed.
A strong conclusion can avoid this.
The "Sting" The sting is a short sentence or abstract of your article.
It should state the purpose of the article and include a powerful, hard-hitting punch just like the hook.
Following these guidelines in each and every article you write can help you maintain the proper structure.
It will keep your writing focused so that the reader is focused on what you have to stay.
Using the structure helps you avoid trailing off in the wrong field or losing focus in your article.
It also makes it much easier and more interesting for your reader.
Understand these important elements of your article structure and then use them properly for each and every article you write and watch your writing improve.
Some sit down at the keyboard and type away until all of their thoughts have escaped onto the blank screen before them.
There are others who plot, brainstorm and plan each detail before putting anything down on paper.
Which methods you use and how you use them do not matter so much as long as your final product is how it should be.
This final product needs to have a structure to it.
Even if you are one of those people who can sit down and type out an article from start to finish without any notes or brainstorming, you still need to be sure that article follows the proper structure.
Here are some guidelines to the basic structure every article should contain: The Hook It's called the hook for a reason.
This part of your article should reel the reader in.
The hook is especially important in web writing because if you don't capture their attention immediately, they will click on through to something else.
You need a strong or interesting point in the hook that will encourage the reader to keep reading.
The Summary The summary of your article should basically sum up what your article is about.
You will then provide the supporting points and facts later.
The reader should be able to see in a clear and concise format what the rest of your article will contain.
The Body The body of your article is where you will include all the support points in a logical and understandable way.
You should include strong points that help support your focus of the article.
Don't just throw in information to take up space or add to the word count.
Make sure the points you are using help the focus of the entire article.
Weaker points should be combined with strong points to further make your point or just thrown out altogether if they do not contribute to the article as a whole.
You also need to make sure your points are interesting and not just a listing of facts which the reader will find boring.
The Conclusion In your conclusion you should sum up everything that has been said previously in your article as briefly and accurately as possible.
Many articles start off strong and then just sort of end prematurely leaving the reader feeling disappointed.
A strong conclusion can avoid this.
The "Sting" The sting is a short sentence or abstract of your article.
It should state the purpose of the article and include a powerful, hard-hitting punch just like the hook.
Following these guidelines in each and every article you write can help you maintain the proper structure.
It will keep your writing focused so that the reader is focused on what you have to stay.
Using the structure helps you avoid trailing off in the wrong field or losing focus in your article.
It also makes it much easier and more interesting for your reader.
Understand these important elements of your article structure and then use them properly for each and every article you write and watch your writing improve.