5 Signs That Your Ex Boyfriend Still Likes You
It was the perfect relationship and yet he cruelly dumped you aside with various excuses.
However, all is not lost as you are still in touch with him and you think that he is still into you as well.
Before you go any further, though, like suggesting a hook up with him, you have to be able to read his signals to figure out the extent of his feelings for you.
Here are 5 things to look out for that will help you decipher what he really wants.
Calls If your ex boyfriend calls you "just to chat", chances are he still likes you.
After all, he wouldn't want to hear your voice if he doesn't still have feelings for you, right? So if you are still getting calls from him, there is a high chance that you might get a second chance at the relationship.
Texts Same like calling you constantly, an ex boyfriend who texts you frequently really wants to know how you are doing, else he totally would not bother keeping in touch with you at all.
Catching Up If your relationship ended with the both of you agreeing to be friends, then you've avoided a very messy and painful breakup.
However, it is the norm that both parties would need at least a few months to adjust to being single again.
If you get a call from your ex less than a month from the end of the relationship, then he is still into you.
Dating Your ex boyfriend has asked you out on a date.
You're confused - isn't he the one who broke up with you in the first place? If you still have the hots for him then rejoice because by asking you out on a date, he pretty much has proven that he likes you.
Talking to your Friends A guy who has just broken up with you would effectively have broken up with your friends as well i.
he wouldn't want to be within a mile of your best gal pals.
However, if he is still talking to them about you, there is a high probability that he is still hung over you.
Of course, you would need to evaluate the situation before jumping into the conclusion that your ex boyfriend still likes you.
So play by ear and hopefully, this time it is the real deal.