Anxiety Self Help - Identifying Disorders
The emotions of anxiety are common in everyone when we are under high levels of stress, threatened, or in danger.
For those suffering anxiety, these emotions escalate to an all-consuming level, taking over every facet of the individual's life.
Understanding that there are different types of anxiety disorder and the common ways in which this affects the sufferer can be the first step in self help and overcoming the condition.
Types Of Anxiety Disorder Anxiety manifests itself in a number of ways, with general anxiety, post traumatic stress, OCD (obsessive compulsive disorder) and agoraphobia all being different outcomes of the underlying feelings of overwhelming panic and fear.
In the absence of assistance in overcoming the condition, the anxiety will escalate.
The normal emotions with which we respond to threats or danger become present in even the most benign situations.
Drug and alcohol abuse can often them become a problem as the individual is unable to handle the pressures of this overwhelming level of constant anxiety and panic.
The Common Thread In Anxiety Disorders For those suffering from an anxiety disorder, the element of control that their disorder gives them is the reason for the behaviors that are present.
When the mind is constantly barraged with fearful, panicked thoughts, the individual will seek other ways to take control.
Hence disorders such as OCD and agoraphobia.
If the emotions cannot be controlled, the sufferer will seek to control their environment and circumstances to try and push out the overwhelming anxiety from which they suffer.
How Anxiety Self Help Works Anxiety is an emotion, and we can all control our emotions with the right help and support.
Controlling anxiety that underlies a disorder requires finding the most appropriate methods for the individual.
When the emotions become out of balance and anxiety has a constant presence in everyday situations, there are techniques and strategies that the individual can learn to help them to take back control.
Anxiety control can include using physical activity, yoga, breathing techniques, visualization techniques and emotional control strategies to overcome the feelings and physical effects of panic and anxiety.