Tips For Stopping Panic Attacks Quickly
They creep up on you at the most inopportune and unexpected moments.
For people suffering with panic attacks for the first time, hopelessness is a common feeling because the symptoms make you feel like you have some kind of mental disorder.
Fortunately there are some effective ways of stopping panic attacks quickly so you won't have to suffer through long episodes of frightening symptoms.
When you want to learn how to control panic attacks, you have to really look into yourself.
An attack is an episode where intense feelings of apprehension, anxiety, and fear suddenly take hold of an individual.
Think of it as a fight and flight response without anything being in the vicinity to be afraid of.
The first thing you need to do is work on calming down.
This might sound like absurd advice when you thing about how your body and mind are anything but calm.
Just remember that if you feed the fear that's taken over your heart and mind you will only make the situation worse, much like throwing gasoline on a fire.
To begin the process of stopping panic attacks, implement these very effective techniques: ·Acknowledge that you are having one.
This will make you realize that nothing bad is taking place or is going to happen in the near future.
·Practice the mental and physical relaxation techniques that your therapist taught you.
The most effective technique is to go to a quiet place, sit still and do deep breathing exercises in a slow and controlled manner.
It is also helpful to completely empty your mind and focus on your abdominal breathing.
·Remember to take as much time as you need.
It's not a good idea to try to hurry when you are stopping panic attacks because you will just feel additional pressure which is not good for an already panicked state of mind.
·Take any medication that's been prescribed by your physician.
Practicing these techniques will be good for everyone involved.
These tips will help you quickly calm down and return to a normal state rather than turning into another train wreck.
Seek Outside Help If you truly want to stop a panic attacks, you have to realize you can't do it alone.
There will come a time that you will no longer be able to keep those that care about you in the dark about your condition.
At some point you will have to put your pride aside and ask for their help.
Help can arrive in many forms.
It might be that your friends and family understand what's going on when you suddenly become anxious and fearful for no reason it all.
Help may come in the form of their support while you are being treated by a therapist and need to take medications particularly if there are emotional and financial aspects concerned.
It might be that they will also help with stopping panic attacks if they are around when one strikes.