How to Remove Roof Shingles
- 1). Use roof jacks that can be nailed in place to support a board. This creates a more level standing surface. This is especially important on a roof with a steep pitch.
- 2). Surround the home with tarps to collect falling debris. If possible, locate a dumpster close to the building in which you can toss debris directly.
- 3). Start along the peak of the house. You will have shingles in place that act as a cap. These can be removed with a hammer, pulling up the shingles from the side. In most cases, the roofing nails that secure the shingles will come up with the shingle. Use the hammer to remove any that remain.
- 4). Clear the first couple rows of shingles with a Shingle Scraper. This tool looks like a flat shovel with a serrated edge. By pushing it up under the shingle, you will either pop or cut the roofing nails, freeing the shingle.
- 5). Work from above, after you have cleared the first couple rows of shingles, pushing the shingles downward on to the tarps or into a dumpster. You will need to review the cleared areas for remaining nails or nail stubs where the nail has been cut through. Remove as many nails as possible and hammer the rest down flush with the wood.
- 6). Roll the shingles over themselves, toward the ground, for as long as they remain attached or until their collective weight becomes too much to manage.