How Can I Get My Boyfriend to Like Me Again? 4 Ways That Are Sure to Succeed
Make these changes in your life and you'll find that you don't need to ask how can I get my boyfriend to like me again now or in the future.
1) Learn to like yourself again.
You must like yourself, dare I say love yourself, before you can expect someone else to love you.
If there is something in your life that you don't like, now is the time to change it.
The happier you are with yourself, the happier he will be with you.
This is the most important step to follow when learning how can I get my boyfriend to like me again? If you don't believe you are likeable how on earth are you going to convince him that you are? 2) Let the real you shine through.
Do not feel as though you need to pretend to be someone else in order to get his attention.
This is not the case.
You need to be yourself in order to get him.
False pretenses might get him back for a little while but the real you is the one that is in the relationship for the long haul.
If you don't really shine through and let him see your personality without pretense you risk pushing him further away.
3) Remember what it was like to have fun.
More importantly, let him find out how much fun you can be.
Go out and do things.
Become the life of the party (in a positive way).
Let him hear from others how much fun you are and take the time to remember this yourself.
Having fun together is part of the pleasure of relationships.
When you both remember how much fun you can be, chances are that he'll renew his interest and you won't have to wonder how can I get my boyfriend to like me again.
4) Start having fun with others.
It's one thing to be fun and keep your fun to yourself.
It's another thing altogether to take it to someone else.
If all else fails, start dating someone else.
There's nothing like the idea you're off the market to make him want you more.