How Can I Get My Man Back?Be the Woman He Grew to Love
This is very unattractive.
They may try to find a mediator who will plead their case, but this also is very pathetic and appears desperate.
It will drive your man away even further.
And please, do not call him late at night when you are at your lowest.
He will run as fast as he can away from you.
GAIN CONTROL All of the above tactics will make it impossible to get your man back.
He will probably be disgusted by these tactics.
You will have to give yourself a mental slap in the face and get control of your emotions immediately.
Stop the pathetic act and start acting like the woman your man learned to love.
NO CONTACT To begin with, you must not contact him in any way.
Give him the time he needs to clear his head and think things through.
While he does this, it is possible that he will begin to miss you and remember what attracted him to you in the first place.
IDENTIFY PROBLEMS You must try to determine what exactly you did wrong to contribute to the break up.
You have to be brutally honest here and not make any excuses for yourself.
After determining the answer to this question, you must try to improve in these areas.
If you were too demanding of his attention, you must learn to grow your own interests so that you do not smother other people.
If you took him for granted, then you need to work on seeing other people's needs and helping them.
If these problems are not dealt with, then it would be foolish to try to get your man back because you would just end up hurting both of you again.
This is a step that must be taken very seriously and dealt with.
The great outcome of this whether you get back together or not is that you will become a better person for trying to improve yourself.
Your man will take note of the changes in you and may be encouraged to believe that things can truly be better in your relationship.
If you follow these suggestions, then you might find the solution to the question, "How can I get my man back?"