What Is Included in a Catholic Catechism?
- The catechism is arranged in four major parts: The Profession of Faith, The Celebration of the Christian Mystery, Life in Christ and Christian Prayer.
The Profession of Faith covers the Catholic Church's teachings on fundamental doctrines and the Bible. It includes a discussion of exactly what the church is, what Christians believe, beliefs about the Bible and Jesus' life, death, resurrection and what they mean for believers. The Celebration of the Christian Mystery covers the Mass, sacraments and funerals. Life in Christ explains the church's teachings on morality and ethics, social issues and reviews the Ten Commandments. Christian Prayer looks at prayer and explains how Christians should pray, and includes a verse-by- verse explication of the Lord's Prayer.
The current catechism runs to about 800 printed pages, including references to the Bible, church documents, papal encyclicals and the writings of Catholic saints. - God's revelation to man through the Bible and church tradition is discussed. The Bible and tradition are considered God's revelation to humankind.The Bible is considered the inspired Word of God, "God is the author of the Sacred Scriptures because he inspired its human authors."
The catechism says that the Scriptures are authentically interpreted by the pope and bishops of the church. Essential Catholic beliefs include a belief in the trinity of God, his son Jesus and the Holy Spirit. Catholic beliefs about heaven, hell and purgatory are also explained. Mary is considered the mother of God and a proper object of devotion. - The Mass, centered around the sacrament of the Eucharist, or Holy Communion, is outlined as the main act of Catholic worship. The bread and wine of the Eucharist become the actual body and blood of Jesus Christ when the priest consecrates them, according to the catechism. The remaining six sacraments are baptism, confirmation, penance or reconciliation, anointing of the sick, holy orders and matrimony (marriage).
- The catechism outlines two types of sin. These are mortal, or serious sin and venial, or lesser sins. Mortal sins threaten the long-term future of the soul. Mortal sins would include murder, abortion and denial of the teachings of the church, among many others. Venial sins might include white lies and minor violations of the law. The church teaches that abortion is a serious sin and may be punished by excommunication. The catechism teaches the Ten Commandments are the foundation of morality and each commandment receives a thorough explanation in the catechism. The social teachings of the church are also explained. The need for social justice and the equality of people are among the teachings of the church.
- The Lord's Prayer is explained in detail by the catechism. Vocal and mental prayer are both approved by the church. The catechism teaches that believers may ask for God's help, but that the main duty of prayer is to praise and commune with God. The rosary and other special prayers are also approved and explained in the catechism.
Features of the Catechism of the Catholic Church
Theology, Belief and Scriptures
The Mass and Sacraments
Morality, Ethics and Sin