Get Your Ex Talking Now
If you say the wrong thing, your chances of winning your ex back could go down the drain.
Which is why you need to stay calm and collected.
Don't go into a crying fit that will most likely send your ex packing.
If you messed up and need to say you're sorry, address this first.
This will ease hard feelings.
Even though your ex may get mad, it still won't be as extreme as if you had not apologized.
If your ex didn't want to talk to you, an apology is the best way to get them to open up.
But do not bug your ex.
Consult with others who know them and get a feel for your ex's feelings.
See if they can help you get a lunch meeting to get the conversation rolling.
But allow your ex to talk; don't monopolize the entire conversation.
Sort out any resolved issues that exist between the two of you.
Listen to what your ex says, and accept the way they feel, good or bad.
If you seem too eager, you may come off as not being genuine.
Assure your ex that you will not make the same mistakes you made before.
Even if your ex was the cause of the problem, do not blame them; this will only cause friction.
Be candid, and don't make promises you don't intend to keep.
Make sure you are willing to make a commitment to change.
When talking to your ex, be honest about everything; don't distort any facts.
If you've followed these guidelines, your ex will probably be willing to try again.
If you don't do something now, your ex most likely will find someone else before you know it.
Take just a few seconds to learn how to make your ex boyfriend or ex girlfriend willing to talk again by readingour reviews or Your Ex Will Find Someone Else.
By reading more, you will be on your way to hearing their voice again.