How to Plane Lumber
- 1). Engage the stop on your workbench on the side opposite your dominant hand. Then, put a piece of lumber on the board, with the grain and the bench parallel. Push the lumber against the stop so that it won't move while you're planing it.
- 2). Pick up the jack plane and place it on the wood. Put your dominant hand on the back handle and your other hand on the front handle. Make sure the board lines up with the edge of the workbench and the grain.
- 3). Push down with your front hand as you move the plane forward. As the plane goes ahead, pull your weight back, so that, by the end of the stroke, you're pushing down with your rear hand.
- 4). Pick up the plane and bring it back to the side where it started. Run the plane continuously -- it's not necessary for you to run it exactly parallel to the grain each time. Once you've gotten your side as smooth as it's going to get without sandpaper, turn the piece over and repeat for the other side.