Does Information Overload Plague Your Home Based Business?
They start learning about the product and marketing tools their company has provided.
Then how to operate their business and how it is more difficult to build their business than they were led to believe.
After learning how few of their friends and family are open to making money from home they take their business online.
Now, if they already know how to find the power button on a computer (don't laugh because some can't) and get around the Internet they have to learn all kinds of things they never thought they would have to learn.
It is amazing how many things there are to learn to run a business online.
There is pay-per-click, SEO, social sites, building websites, link building, video marketing, blogging, etc...
There is no way to even list everything one could learn about marketing online.
And, there are new things coming out every day.
There are also many products that are produced by the top marketers online explaining their personal systems and methods.
One only has to look around to find people that promote those top marketers products to figure out what some of the best ones are.
This information overload phenomenon is a natural thing in that people will become interested in something like a hobby and start searching for everything they can find about it.
They are thinking about it so much that it starts to appear everywhere.
The universal law of attraction states that when you think about something with every free moment, it will be attracted to you and you to it.
So, if you are thinking about something specific it will start to come at you from all angles.
With Internet marketing and the accessibility of information, information overload in this industry is never going to stop and, in fact, is only going to get worse.
But, to get past this problem there are some things you can do.
Start by relaxing and know that you do not have to learn every strategy for driving traffic.
In fact, you would be wrong to try.
You need to realize that there is only one thing that matters and it is the only thing that truly works in this industry.
EVERY top marketer uses a simple three step process for their online business.
First, they build a list of their target market.
Second, they build a relationship with those on the list.
And third, they monetize the list by sharing effective ideas, products,and services that are affiliates.
Next you need to understand that, to build a network marketing business, you only need to know 2 things.
Number one; How to drive traffic.
You only NEED 1 source so decide what source you like to use and stick with it until you have mastered it so well that you could write a book about it.
If you try to learn many different sources at once you will probably never get good at any of them.
And number two; Copywriting.
Everything you do in this industry is about knowing what to say or write to get your point across and sell what you have.
Copywriting skills will be used in everything you do concerning your business.
Another thing to think about is a practice John D.
Rockefeller used when he built his enormous fortune.
Every night before he went to bed he made a list of 5 things he needed to do the next day towards building his business.
Not broad concepts like, learn video marketing, but specific things like write 5 pages of an eBook, or make a specific video.
Then, the next day you know what you need to get done and you don't go to bed before they are done.
You don't check emails or watch TV or do anything else until your 5 tasks are finished.
It will be like laying bricks on a house and if you do this every day you will be surprised what you get accomplished in 30 days.