Signs Your Ex Wants You Back - Read Her Like a Book With These 6 Tips
Frequently this gets out of hand and can get blown up to the point where the couple splits up.
It's only after the intense emotions of the moment have cleared, that we come to our senses and want to repair the damage.
So the first question is, does she still want me after all that we've been through? Here are 6 signs that your ex wants you back: 1.
) You find out that your ex is upset by the breakup and is having a difficult time adjusting.
Obviously, the separation isn't a positive aspect of her life.
In fact it represents a great loss.
) It's always a good sign if your ex wants to remain friends with you.
This is usually interpreted by guys to mean the kiss of death, but in the context of a breakup, this is very good.
This means that you are still an important part of her life.
This also means that the lines of communication will always be open and you can use this friendship over time to bring her back.
) They try to explain that no harm was intended in something that they did or said.
Also, they may say that their transgression was an accident that happened in the heat of the moment.
These types of statements are attempts at reconciliation on her part.
) She makes efforts at being more attractive to you or in improving behavior that she knows used to bother you.
Generally this means any attempts at self improvement for your benefit.
) They make compliments or positive statements about you directly or about something associated with you (such as she likes your new car).
Even very indirect compliments are a good sign since it just means that she doesn't want to go overboard with the compliments and come across as insincere.
She's playing it safe by testing out the waters.
) If your ex has not found any new relationships, then this can mean that she values the relationship that the two of you had.
She may be finding it too difficult to simply toss it out.
Finally, try placing yourself in her shoes and imagine yourself behaving toward her as she behaves with you.
This ought to give you a good assessment of her intentions.
Care should be exercised here because the two of you aren't identical people.
Your own wishful thinking can also get in the way of understanding her actions.