How to Clean Lace Tablecloths
- 1). Warm 2 gallons of bottled water, in a large pot on the kitchen stove. If your water is soft, you can use warm tap water. Plug the drain in the kitchen sink and pour the warm water into the sink.
- 2). Measure 2 tsp. of sodium lauryl sulfate soap and mix into the warm water, until it is dissolved.
- 3). Place an old towel in the bottom of the sink. Place the lace tablecloth into the sink and allow to soak for 30 minutes. Gently move the towel back and forth to slightly agitate the tablecloth.
- 4). Pull the plug to drain the water from the sink. Replace the drain plug and fill the sink with cold water to rinse. Gently move the towel back and forth to slightly agitate the tablecloth. Drain the sink and repeat the rinsing process until the water becomes clear enough to drink.
- 5). Drain the water out of the sink. Gently pick the tablecloth up without stretching it out and place it on a dry towel. Press a towel over the tablecloth to remove excess water.
- 6). Stretch out a flat sheet onto a smooth surface. Place the tablecloth in the middle and gently smooth out the tablecloth, working the lace with your fingers to keep the design smooth. Use a a glass or jar to place on areas that stick up. Allow the tablecloth to completely dry.