How to Create an Eight Sided Geometric Flower Pattern
- 1). Look at other designs around you to get a feel for what kind of pattern you want. Quilts, mosaics, fabric patterns and Islamic art often have geometric designs based on eight-sides or upon multiples of eight. If it's a flower pattern you want, look at particular details on the flower's petals, such as the placement and size of curves, angles and congruences in the flower's appearance.
- 2). Fold your square tracing paper into eight geometric sections. Do this by holding the paper in front of you and folding the paper in half from left to right, then in half again from top to bottom. Fold the top right-hand corner to the left bottom-hand corner diagonally so that you are left with a triangular-shaped piece.
- 3). Unfold the paper and use the crease lines to make each side match the other geometrically as you begin to draw your flower pattern. If you want the pattern to look like a specific flower, remember your observations about the curves and angles, and emulate these lines on one section of the tracing paper first. Once you are happy with your pattern on one section, repeat it in each section so that the lines would match up if you were to place each triangular section directly on top of the other with the angles flush.
- 4). Keep adding and changing your pencil lines until you're happy with how your pattern looks as a whole. A good way to draw a pattern you're most happy with is to add individual lines to one section, then to the other sections, before adding more lines to a single section. This will enable you to see the evolution of your pattern as it develops so that you can adjust after each step rather than waste time copying one section onto the other sections, and discovering later that you're not happy with how the pattern looks.
- 5). Trace your final pattern onto your canvas, fabric or whatever media you want your geometric flower pattern on. You can transfer your design first to a clean sheet of tracing paper so that you don't get excessive lead marks on your final media, and you can see your pattern more clearly.