Coffee Break? Try an Attitude Break Instead!
From observing people over time I believe that the most effective and productive people on the planet share at least one thing in common: a passionate and positive can-do attitude! These peoples attitudes are infectious and keeps both themselves and everyone who comes into contact with them moving forward and achieving things undreamt of previously.
In order to succeed in any walk of life it is imperative that your attitude is at an all time high, pretty much constantly.
So what do you do when you feel the pressures of the day taking their toll on your positive attitude? Go for a coffee? Why not try an attitude break instead? Below are some tips on keeping that winning attitude throughout the day:
- Keep Stress Under Control
Be mindful and keep an eye out for those situations where you feel your stress levels rising.
Take a break and get away from the stressful situation, even if only for a couple of minutes.
Centre yourself and refocus your mind and attitude back to where they should be.
If you have built a network of positive influences around you then you should be able to tap into them via a quick phone call.
Talking with the right person for a minute or two should get you back up to speed!
- Communicate
Learn to communicate effectively with those around you.
Focus on ensuring that your point of view is heard regardless of whether it is heeded or not.
There is only so much that you can do.
Do not worry about the things you cannot control.
- Look For The Positives
No matter how small and demeaning you may think the job is, give it your all.
Remember, treat complex matters with ease, treat easy matters with respect.
- Be Creative
Get creative.
Get your creative juices flowing and no doubt you will find awesome and inspirational solutions that will be noticed by those watching.
- Keep It Simple
In fact the opposite is usually true.
Keep it simple! Make it simpler! A simple (or simpler) solution will no doubt be effective in ensuring that the costs in the solution are made smaller.
Do I need to tell you outright that the owner and shareholders of the company will be extremely grateful for this? You be the judge!
For further helpful attitude incentives and tips view my article title 'Ride The Attitude To Success!' which can be found in my author bio.
Many people have found it inspirational.