How to Forgive Your Ex and Get Him Back
Most of the time both of you have been hurt and both of you are responsible for the hurting.
It is essential that you forgive your ex in order to mend your relationship, this should be the first step.
If you truly want to learn how to get your ex back you will need to learn some humility.
The fact that both of you were selfish in one way or another is probably what caused your relationship to fail in the first place.
You need to decide that what you have as a couple is more important than what you have alone.
The number one thing to remember is that everybody makes mistakes.
It is very rare for these mistakes to be too big to forgive, most mistakes that are made in a relationship are trivial.
These mistakes are also often made in the heat of an argument or a stressful situation.
This is a very easy time for anybody to say something that they don't mean and will regret later.
Try to remember a time when somebody said something to you that you felt was wrong for unnecessary, think of the context that it was carried out in.
What sort of situation worry you both in ? was the other person under stress at the time? It is important that you put all mistakes in context.
If you were the person who hurt somebody else, you need to forget your pride.
It is important that you realise you made the mistake, then it is easy to forgive the other person their mistakes.
Make sure you take responsibility for your actions.
If this is a recurring problem, if you are making the same mistake over and over again, then maybe you need to look for some professional help or counselling.
The worst thing you can do is keep doing the same things over and over and expect something to change, it just won't happen! You must be able to interact with your ex without holding any of their past mistakes over them.
Make sure you say I'm sorry, don't wait for them to say the first.
If your partner does say they are sorry don't say something stupid like, well you should be.
If you are sure of that what you have is a couple is more important than any mistakes either of you can make then you are ready to move onwards and upwards.
When you get to this stage you will know how to get your ex back.