Food to Help Anxiety - 3 Foods That Will Help With Anxiety and Improve Your General Health
In this article I am going to give you some advice on food to help anxiety.
Fish This may seem simple but is often overlooked; many people although they eat healthily do not eat enough fish.
The most important reason why you should eat fish is because it contains omega 3.
Studies done on rats have found that once omega 3 fatty acids are eliminated from the diets of rats their behavior changes radically within a few days.
They become anxious; have difficulty learning new tasks and panic in stressful situations.
As you can see not eating enough fish can be detrimental to your anxiety levels.
My recommendation is to eat a few servings of oily fish like anchovies, sardines or salmon a week.
Salad When the last time you ate a large salad? This is something that most people rarely do and something you SHOULD do every day to improve your health and love your anxiety.
Salad contains many healthy ingredients that you would not normally eat such as spinach, carrots, cucumbers and celery.
Make a big bowl to share with everyone at the table and you will be less likely to binge on unhealthy foods.
Fruit Many people are drawn to sugary foods such as sweets, cakes, biscuits and chocolates.
These foods taste nice and give a quick boost of energy because of the effect they have on your blood sugar level.
Unfortunately this wears of quickly leaving you just as anxious and depressed as before.
This sudden change in blood sugar can also make you feel light headed and shaky.
Bad news if you're on the lookout for your next panic attack.
The natural sugar (fructose) that occurs in fruit will not have this effect on your body.
Fructose is processed by your body in a way that doesn't cause a big increase and then sudden drop in blood sugar level.
If you enjoyed this article on food to help anxiety please visit my website by following the links below.
There you can find more information on fighting anxiety as well as a state of the art method for eliminating anxiety and panic attacks forever