How to Get Your Ex Back - Don"t Make These Stupid Errors
It should be fairly clear to you what your woman wants from you.
It's confidence, strength, ambition.
Now, we need to discuss the other side of the coin: what repels women and what not to do if you don't want to push your woman any further away than she already is.
Ignore what she may have told you, or you may have heard.
This may conflict you, but you NEED to hear it! These are the things that women find annoying, in fact, it would be more appropriate to say that they absolutely *despise* them: * Paying TOO much attention to them...
* Overdoing it with your feelings towards her...
* Giving them the upper hand in the relationship (which she clearly has now)...
* Letting them treat you like a doormat by putting their needs in front of yours...
Ever heard the cliche "nice guys finish last"? It's FACT.
Darwinism, dude! Now, I am not suggesting that you should be a jerk or ignore your ex girlfriend completely.
But being too nice or too available shows a woman that you have the opposite of confidence: insecurity.
You come across as needy: and women hate insecure, needy men, no matter WHAT they say to your face.
If you are, or at one point became overly available to your ex girlfriend, you've lost the edge and essentially given her the upper hand.
Most women DO NOT want the upper hand in a relationship.